alonetone radio: Popular


John Eimen's avatar
Some mistakes can't be taken back or fixed!
richiebee's avatar
Words/Music/Production - Rich Blenkinsopp Vocals: Natalie (lead), Solaria/Kevin (backing) Oct 6, 2023 This is my attempt at a Carpenters-esque uplifting soft and fluffy pop song. REACH FOR THE STARS Verse 1: In a world so vast…
richiebee's avatar
Lyrics/Music: Rich Blenkinsopp Vox: Hayden 5/11 - v.000002 - almost final lyrics... 10/11 - v.000003 - probably final lyrics. 28/11 - sadly no more updates to this one. I accidentally deleted my DAW project file for it, so this is all I…
Never Alone's avatar
Never Alone's avatar
Last Night by Trina Dova 2024 Last Night I cried myself to sleep Last night I tried, I tried to keep Them tears at bay But they wouldn't go away And All I was left to do was Pray, Pray, Pray So, I prayed through my tears And all…
emperor75's avatar
I miss my dog that passed recently this is a rough idea for a song called Zoey.. I need to re-record it but for now it's a start. updated on 7/3
egobandit's avatar
Never Alone's avatar
All my Heart by Trina Dova 2024 I walk through the Valley's Through Life's Many Alleyways Lord without you I'm lost But you paid the ultimate cost To be my hope, to be my light That shines for me in the darkest of night Ooh, Ooh, Ooh…
Carla & Paul's avatar
The will be a time to wake up...