Comments on Reefwalker's stuff

Reefwalker's avatar
It seems a lot of you record with open mics and can relate. I record 1 track at a time with usually 4 or 5 tracks. So, Im only asking for about 15 minutes of Silence...IS THIS TOO MUCH TO ASK??? Anyway, my house is so loud, I get a lot of bloopers…
Guest said

I only had one song at open mic where you could have heard a pin drop, the rest of the time, they usually talk through it. It's all in the studio now when the little ladies are in bed. Ah bliss!

Reefwalker's avatar
3 guitar tracks followed by a track with the trap set. A lot of alt tuning lately posted on AT which I like. This guitar was tuned to an open G. After I did it, I thought the sound was more like a backwoods, hillbilly song. Unfortunately…
Alister Flint's avatar
Alister Flint said

pfff too short! :p

Reefwalker's avatar
3 guitar tracks followed by a track with the trap set. A lot of alt tuning lately posted on AT which I like. This guitar was tuned to an open G. After I did it, I thought the sound was more like a backwoods, hillbilly song. Unfortunately…
Guest said

Yeah, brilliant backwoods feel. Love it, er too short!

Reefwalker's avatar
3 guitar tracks followed by a track with the trap set. A lot of alt tuning lately posted on AT which I like. This guitar was tuned to an open G. After I did it, I thought the sound was more like a backwoods, hillbilly song. Unfortunately…
Movement To Contact's avatar
Movement To Contact said

I have come to love open tunings ;)Sweet Track

Reefwalker's avatar
3 guitar tracks followed by a track with the trap set. A lot of alt tuning lately posted on AT which I like. This guitar was tuned to an open G. After I did it, I thought the sound was more like a backwoods, hillbilly song. Unfortunately…
Johnny Stone's avatar
Johnny Stone said

Great track mate.

Reefwalker's avatar
3 guitar tracks followed by a track with the trap set. A lot of alt tuning lately posted on AT which I like. This guitar was tuned to an open G. After I did it, I thought the sound was more like a backwoods, hillbilly song. Unfortunately…
Guest said

top-notch track and the guitars awe coolio!

Reefwalker's avatar
3 guitar tracks followed by a track with the trap set. A lot of alt tuning lately posted on AT which I like. This guitar was tuned to an open G. After I did it, I thought the sound was more like a backwoods, hillbilly song. Unfortunately…
vaisvil's avatar
vaisvil said

Are these clips of Pelosi or Phyllis Schlafly? Excellent tune!

Reefwalker's avatar
3 guitar tracks followed by a track with the trap set. A lot of alt tuning lately posted on AT which I like. This guitar was tuned to an open G. After I did it, I thought the sound was more like a backwoods, hillbilly song. Unfortunately…
Esoteric Fool's avatar
Esoteric Fool said

Wasn't ready to be 'bailed out'!!! love the groove-

Reefwalker's avatar
3 guitar tracks followed by a track with the trap set. A lot of alt tuning lately posted on AT which I like. This guitar was tuned to an open G. After I did it, I thought the sound was more like a backwoods, hillbilly song. Unfortunately…
Guest said

And I think I especially love this because I have, like, 700 billion dollars in my back pocket. Vocal choices/guitar interplay work brilliantly. Almost like she is singing.

Reefwalker's avatar
3 guitar tracks followed by a track with the trap set. A lot of alt tuning lately posted on AT which I like. This guitar was tuned to an open G. After I did it, I thought the sound was more like a backwoods, hillbilly song. Unfortunately…
Guest said


Reefwalker's avatar
3 guitar tracks followed by a track with the trap set. A lot of alt tuning lately posted on AT which I like. This guitar was tuned to an open G. After I did it, I thought the sound was more like a backwoods, hillbilly song. Unfortunately…
launched's avatar
launched said

This rules!

Reefwalker's avatar
3 guitar tracks followed by a track with the trap set. A lot of alt tuning lately posted on AT which I like. This guitar was tuned to an open G. After I did it, I thought the sound was more like a backwoods, hillbilly song. Unfortunately…
Guest said

the best

Reefwalker's avatar
3 guitar tracks followed by a track with the trap set. A lot of alt tuning lately posted on AT which I like. This guitar was tuned to an open G. After I did it, I thought the sound was more like a backwoods, hillbilly song. Unfortunately…
Norm's avatar
Norm said

Great track!

Reefwalker's avatar
3 guitar tracks followed by a track with the trap set. A lot of alt tuning lately posted on AT which I like. This guitar was tuned to an open G. After I did it, I thought the sound was more like a backwoods, hillbilly song. Unfortunately…
Tharek Ali Mokbul's avatar
Tharek Ali Mokbul said

You put together a Mean track Bro! Superb! MORE!!!!!!

Reefwalker's avatar
this was originally a song about breaking through paradigms but turned into a song about a girl. Keys and string samples from Korg, MIDI with the old Ensoniq, one diving board. Thanks for the listen ,enjoy... RW
launched's avatar
launched said

Had to give this another listen - Wow, I just noticed Beatlesy background sounds. Hell yeah!

Reefwalker's avatar
Enjoying a few tracks on this site with Indian flavor lately. My brothers legs were so red from slapping them to get the perc sounds in this track, I had to laugh, That alone was worth doing the song ;) Enjoy # 92 Spicy percussion provided by Norm
Guest said

nice title, love the little guitar touches and yes the sitar was lovely as well...

Reefwalker's avatar
It seems a lot of you record with open mics and can relate. I record 1 track at a time with usually 4 or 5 tracks. So, Im only asking for about 15 minutes of Silence...IS THIS TOO MUCH TO ASK??? Anyway, my house is so loud, I get a lot of bloopers…
skiks/bruce hamilton's avatar
skiks/bruce hamilton said

man, great touches. & thanks for the compliments on 'folly' that you listened all the way through & 'got it'

Reefwalker's avatar
this was originally a song about breaking through paradigms but turned into a song about a girl. Keys and string samples from Korg, MIDI with the old Ensoniq, one diving board. Thanks for the listen ,enjoy... RW
Guest said

Ever thought about writing a song about a ghoul?

Reefwalker's avatar
this was originally a song about breaking through paradigms but turned into a song about a girl. Keys and string samples from Korg, MIDI with the old Ensoniq, one diving board. Thanks for the listen ,enjoy... RW
Guest said

nice song about-a-gurl.

Reefwalker's avatar
this was originally a song about breaking through paradigms but turned into a song about a girl. Keys and string samples from Korg, MIDI with the old Ensoniq, one diving board. Thanks for the listen ,enjoy... RW
Wildgeas Music's avatar
Wildgeas Music said

I really like this song Reef. One of the best here.
