Reefwalker's listening history

Lalo Oceja's avatar
xenotolerance's avatar
Transient texture experiment; also reverb envelopes. RPM number 10.
xenotolerance's avatar
Quick one, mad groovy. RPM #11.
xenotolerance's avatar
Lots of quiet layers. RPM #12.
DanielB 's avatar
I did this for my mum's 70th birthday party.
DanielB 's avatar
Dancy trancy electronic synthpop. What more could you want?
Derek Dibbern's avatar
Special thanks to Chris for playing keys on this song. originally wrote this song slightly differently, then used Burroughs cut-up to tweak it a little. I used to play this song with a band we called One Lane Bridge Dave Spellman, Rob Endemann…
The Jet-Black Project's avatar
As the song says, this is a song I wrote for the RPM Challenge. I simply took my actual experience beginning at 12 midnight on February 1st, and a couple or three hours later I had my first song. The player takes away the intensity of this track…
Derek Dibbern's avatar
A long rambling noisey tribute to CHAOS and BEAUTY recorded live in a New Jersey warehouse by my former band Lincoln The Chain. Cookie Monster on Drums. Skimbitter Frisk on Bass. and Me on loops and guitar. Special thanks to Frank on the mixing…
Derek Dibbern's avatar
another experimental piece. This time we each played our parts separately. I started out with wacked out guitar madness, then bass, then drums and finally some insanely spacey sound effects. Enjoy...