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All the Blame Should Fall to Me

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2021 5090 Song Number 19.

How about the vocals in the verse sections, huh? Pitchy much? Holy crap! I promise you all that I spent a lot of time working on getting the vocals right and when I was tracking them I swear I left them at a place where they sounded correct and not horribly out of tune. When I tracked the lead guitars I gave the whole song a listen and nothing stood out as bad. Then I started mixing and holy shit are those verses out of tune! The chorus isn’t exactly great, but it’s okay. The verses though… what the hell, Rob?

GarageBand has a poor man’s autotune baked into it. I’ve never used it but figured what the hell, it can’t be any worse than this crap, right? I turned it on and it didn’t really change anything other than to put a lot of digital noise that sounded like transients all over the place. Well that sounds like dung, so I turned it off… and the noise remained. So, if you use GarageBand, my advice is to copy the tracks you want to tune to new tracks and mess with it there. Always, always, always keep a back up*.

Rhythm guitars are a Les Paul Standard into an MXR Univ-Vibe into a Ryra the Klone into a Fender Bassbreaker 15. Leads are mostly the same but the pedal chain is a Dunlop Crybaby Wah into the Ryra into a Malaise Forever Black Lives Matter into just the boost side of a Wren and Cuff Super Russian.

I understand that it’s gone on too long
Go with the flow try to keep it together.
Its all a mess so you try to be strong
and do the things you need to do

Verse 1
Its the way it has to be
All the blame should fall to me

Verse 2
Lets just make the most of this
As the ugly truth persists

Look on the bright side
and keep it inside
caught in the down slide
Nothing to see

Verse 3 (.5 length)
All the blame should fall to me

*I did not back up the tracks as I was working on them. I have a backup of the entire GarageBand file, but I am not at home so I can’t use it right now. I might remix this again at some later date… and I also might just rerecord the whole thing because I am not very happy with the way it came out.
