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50/90 Song number eight of 50.

In my defense, I did give you seven whole songs before sharing the one with the 24 measures of backwards guitar solo buried under 700 tons of delay and a rotary speaker. I didn’t drop this soupy mess onto you right away. So you’ve got that going for you.

A song in two pieces. I have done that a lot in the last year or so. The first part is another in an endless line of attempts to sound proggy and rocky simultaneously in 7/8 time. It’s okay. Nothing special. I do like the way the verses came out. The ending is really just an excuse to make goofy sounds with my guitar. That part works well.

The guitar is a Les Paul Standard and the amp is a Fender Bassbreaker 15. The rhythm tracks used a Ryra the Klone and a Malaise Forever Black Lives Matter. The lead used the Ryra and a Wren and Cuff Super Russian. The soupy mess at the end used an MXR univibe and the Ryra,. The rotary speaker and the delay were added in the mix.

Verse A1
I know - how it happens
that curve - never flattens
give in - speculation
so low - expectation

Verse B1 and B3
No challenge
No contest
No balance
No context

Verse A2
Hear me - as I say this
Knowing - where the blame is
Perceive - Every second
absorb - all the knowledge

Verse B2
Look backward
No style
all guile

Undo your very senses
Back off your key defenses
Payback your worst offenses
Forever in the trenches
