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Burned Down

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2021 50/90 Song Number 37.

Well… I don’t know. It was late at night one night back in August, the 3rd to be exact, and I said to myself, “self? You know what you’re lacking? Swing grooves.”

So I guess this one means I’m not lacking in swing grooves anymore. The question now is, should I have bothered? It’s not awful, it’s just a rhythmically challenged old person trying to make the make pretend instruments on his lap top swing so that he can play along with some really bad rhythm guitar.
I don’t know. The guitarmonies at the end are cute, I guess.

The guitar tracks are all my Les Paul Standard 50s. The rhythm tracks used a Chicago Stompworks Blooze Maker into a Ryra The Klone into a Malaise Forever Black Lives Matter into a Fender Bassbreaker 15. The leads used a Wren and Cuff Tri Pi 70 into a Klon KTR into a Vox AC15.

when I look around
no emotion found
I am so burned down
Its time to move along

Verse 1 & 3
It has to be this way
It has to be today

Verse 2
As simple as it seems
so hard you can’t believe

So come along
come for the ride
some come along
come with me
