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Let Your Voice Be Heard

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If a Uni-Vibe pedal modulates the pitch, how do you double track with one? The answer? Very carefully. Actually, I just did it. I used the same settings on both guitar tracks and panned them both hard to one side. The effect was a kinda groovy stereo wobble. They were not in synch, but they were the same speed and depth so it was just the timing that was off. All in all, I really like it. It sort of makes the song for me.

The guitars are all Les Paul. The rhythm used an MXR Uni-Vibe pedal and the lead used an EHX Soul Food. The amp is a Bassbreaker.

What’s your story
where you coming from
what brings you here

what you thinking
what you feeling
how did you become aware

Did you hear what they said today
Can you believe it’s true
Each new day is a little worse
so what are we to do

let your voice be heard
before they silence you
Say your piece
I’ll speak up too
