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After Only a Few Days

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2025 RPM Challenge song idea number two becomes finished song number four.

You know, I was a music major in my past. 1989-1991 I attended the University of Lowell in Lowell, Massachusetts (it changed its name to UMass Lowell during my last semester) and I was a music major and my instrument was saxophone. I had been playing guitar for a few years as well and not long after I left school I more or less put the saxophone aside and became a guitar player first and foremost.

Every now and then I get the itch to play some sax though. The last time was the 2020 RPM Challenge. Now here we are in the 2025 RPM Challenge and I have the need to play again.

The downside of not practicing every day like I did back in music school is that the muscles in your jaw get drastically out of shape. I can manage about 10 minutes of playing before my mouth decides it’s done and then I can play for a few seconds then rest for a few minutes then repeat. You can literally hear my jaw hit the wall during the solo where the sax and the guitar are trading fours. It’s during the second sax part. I was fine for the first four bars and then poof, all gone during the second four bars. I just find that hysterically funny.

The rhythm guitar in your left ear is my Gibson Les Paul Custom. The guitar in your right ear is my Gibson Les Paul Standard. Yeah, I am spoiled rotten. The pedal chain for both is an MXR Dyna-Comp into a Mooer E-Lady into a TC Electronic Combo Deluxe amp simulator pedal. The lead guitar is the Les Paul Standard into a Wampler Tumnus into the Combo Deluxe.

Pre chorus
No question
Is not an option

A few days
that’s all it took

This new phase
He’s such a crook

Verse 1 & 3
So overwhelming
We saw it coming
foundation melting
Everything ending

Verse 2
A total breakdown
lead by a douche clown
it all unravels
One for the annals

acoustic57's avatar
acoustic57 said

I like it !
