This is the Way of It
2025 RPM Challenge song idea number 11 becomes finished song number seven.
This one is okay, I think. I like the chorus at least. Not terrible.
Rhythm guitars are a Takamine F-400 S 12-string into a Shure SM57. The lead guitar is a Gibson Les Paul Custom into a Dunlop Crybaby Wah (the Gary Clark, Jr signature model) into a Wampler Tumnus into a TC Electronic Combo Deluxe amp sim pedal.
Come to the end of things
Know what the future brings
One great catastrophe
End of it all
This is the way of it
Quietly you submit
No need to wait and see
fatal assault
Verse 1 & 3
He’s a criminal
All the felonies
All the enemies
Verse 2
Take a closer look
he’s a petty crook
still you elevate
while he decimates
Pre chours
So evil
So stupid
What else did you expect
Over now
Over now