2025 RPM Challenge song idea number six becomes finished song number 12.
I like this one. I thought about naming it “Hyperactive Zany” but thought better of it. The GarageBand drummer would have worked up quite a sweat if it were a real person and not a computer program.
The rhythm guitar in your left speaker is a Les Paul Custom and the right speaker is a Les Paul Standard. The pedal chain is a Wampler Tumnus into a TC Electronic Combo Deluxe amp sim pedal. The lead is the Les Paul Standard into a Dunlop Crybaby (Gary Clark, Jr signature edition) into a Mooer E-Lady into the Tunmus into the Combo Deluxe.
Pull the rug out from under
Tell no lies what a blunder
Burn it down just destroy it
There’s no way to avoid it
Verse 1 & 3
thought I knew you
could not be true
How could you give in like that
you can’t undo
Verse 2
It’s a nightmare
nothing compares
Civilization ruined
How’d we get there
It’s not fair
that you’re there
It’s over
all over
so long