Gave it Away
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2025 RPM Challenge song idea number one becomes finish song number three.
Dumb rocker with a not-so-terrible chorus, I guess.
The rhythm guitars are a Gibson Les Paul Custom coming out of your left speaker and a Gibson Les Paul Standard 50’s coming out of your right. The pedal chain was a Wampler Tumnus into a TC Comb Deluxe amp sim pedal. The lead guitar is the Les Paul Custom into a Dunlop Fuzzface Mini into the TC Combo Deluxe.
Verse 1 and 3
Where were you when I needed
you around
Where’d you go when I wanted
to be found
Verse 2
Do you hear what I’m saying
Called your name
Do you know what you’re doing
Here today
We gave it away
They’re coming to stay
Won’t hail to thee
No sympathy