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Gave it Away

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2025 RPM Challenge song idea number one becomes finish song number three.

Dumb rocker with a not-so-terrible chorus, I guess.

The rhythm guitars are a Gibson Les Paul Custom coming out of your left speaker and a Gibson Les Paul Standard 50’s coming out of your right. The pedal chain was a Wampler Tumnus into a TC Comb Deluxe amp sim pedal. The lead guitar is the Les Paul Custom into a Dunlop Fuzzface Mini into the TC Combo Deluxe.

Verse 1 and 3
Where were you when I needed
you around
Where’d you go when I wanted
to be found

Verse 2
Do you hear what I’m saying
Called your name
Do you know what you’re doing
Here today

We gave it away
They’re coming to stay

Won’t hail to thee
No sympathy

acoustic57's avatar
acoustic57 said

Nicely done. Really clean, lots of power.

tonycee's avatar
tonycee said

nice tune like tune , superb drum work and vocals ........cheers tony cee
