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February, March, April, May, all have completed album in a month projects. Here comes the first song from June.

I broke my album-in-a-month challenge rule that says once you get a take you don’t redo it. I did all of the rhythm guitars twice. Oh well.

All of the guitars are an ES-335 pro into a RYRA The Klone and a Keeley Super Phat Mod into a Fender Bassbreaker 15.

Its all around us - emptiness
its every where now - the vastness
we can’t concieve it
we can’t believe it
we can’t unsee it

Verse 1
around me
inside me
about me
outside me

between you
within you
about you
without you

Verse 2
among us
include us
about us
exclude us

Verse 3
around me
inside me
about me
outside me

Andrew Russe's avatar
Andrew Russe said

Loving the chorus - how those guitars, bass and vox mesh together. Cool lead break too.
