840 tracks by Robert James

Robert James's avatar
2024 50/90 Challenge song idea number 15 becomes finished song number six. The never ending mission to demonstrate that 3/4 time may in fact at times rock. Also, any excuse to use a backward guitar track, right? The rhythm guitars are…
Robert James's avatar
2024 50/90 Challenge idea number 13 becomes finished song number five. Five down, 45 to go. We're 10% of the way through the challenge! I found out the hard way that using an apostrophe in the song title here at Alonetone means you cannot…
Robert James's avatar
2024 50/90 Challenge idea number 10 becomes finished song number four. I kinda like the verse. I don't like the mix. The hook is kinda meh. I like the random key changes. I should have done more with the dynamics in the outro. I dropped…
Robert James's avatar
2024 50/90 Challenge song idea number one becomes finished song number three. Only 47 more to go! My morning routine got messed up and it became a song. Fascinating source of inspiration, eh? I like the chorus in this one. Well, I like…
Robert James's avatar
2024 50/90 Challenge song idea number 12 becomes finished song number two. Two down, 48 to go. So far this is the only song that was written on guitar. Everything else started out with a MIDI bass part and was built up from there. Sometimes…
Robert James's avatar
2024 50/90 Challenge idea number 11 becomes finished song number 1. One song down, 49 to go, but at least I won't be shut out this year. This song is overly simple. The vocals are pretty bad and the lead playing is worse, but it's a decent…
Robert James's avatar
Written during the 2020 50/90 Challenge and rerecorded for yet another batch of Quarantine Tunes. I think I like this better than the original, though I think the sound quality might have been better the first time around. I'm too close to…
Robert James's avatar
Hello and welcome to the first song from Quarantine Tunes Volume Eight, also known as the eighth round of The Great 2015 Re-Recording Project, also known as the highlight reel from the 2020 50/90 Challenge. Or something like that. I had…
Robert James's avatar
The 11th and final song for the seventh edition of Quarantine Tunes. I promised myself I was going to stop at volume six and now we have volume seven and I've already started working on volume eight. This is okay. I like the three part harmonies…
Robert James's avatar
Two songs in one! I was working on a couple of things for a Record Every Month challenge a couple of years ago and unconsciously wrote two songs with virtually the same chord changes in their choruses. Once I figured it out I made a gag out…
Robert James's avatar
This re-recorded song comes from the 2022 RPM Challenge. I am not really pleased with this new version. I can't quite put my finger on what the problem is, but there is something here that is making me unhappy. The clean rhythm guitar is…
Robert James's avatar
This one was originally written for the Record Every Month challenge last year. June 2023, I think. I liked it immediately and wanted to see if I could improve on it. I think I did, though marginally so. Even after spending a few months tinkering…
Robert James's avatar
Another song from the 2021 RPM Challenge (I think?) that has been re-recorded for the Quarantine Tunes Volume Seven project. This song sort of rocks. I changed the arrangement a little and rethought the way the harmony vocals were structured…
Robert James's avatar
Another re-recorded song. This one was the title cut from an RPM Challenge a couple of years ago. It's different. I don't know if I love it, but I like it. I think the goofy panning games I played at the beginning and end are probably mistakes…
Robert James's avatar
This song is the highlight from the 2023 Record Every Month. I had a lot of fun with it when I originally wrote and recorded it, and then had a lot of fun with it again when I re-recorded it. It's simple and straightforward and it's kinda groovy…
Robert James's avatar
I think... I might... I think I might absolutely freakin' love this song. Well... the chorus at least. The rest is okay, but the chorus friggin' slams. I wrote and recorded this in November 2014 for that year's National Solo Album Month…
Robert James's avatar
2024 RPM Challenge idea number 20 becomes finished song number 20. Fitting, eh? This one isn't going to make the final album. It's okay but I think there are at least 10 songs better this year. Oh well. I'm too tired to care. 2.5 hours…
Robert James's avatar
2024 RPM Challenge idea number 14 becomes finished song number 19. Fmajor7 to Eminor7. I use that change a lot. I used it as the entire basis of this song. It didn't really work. This one doesn't do much for me. It's okay, but it's not…
Robert James's avatar
2024 RPM Challenge idea number 13 becomes finished song number 18. I like this one. It's kinda bouncy and fun. The melody is better than my usual crap too. A little bit better at least. Rhythm guitars are a Les Paul Custom. Leads are…
Robert James's avatar
2024 RPM Challenge idea number 16 becomes finished song number 17. This one will make the album, I think. I kinda like it even though I am sure I have written this exact song about 100 times before. Oh well. It has a nice 6/8 groove…