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Many Windows On A Troubled Mind

Mr Sandbags

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Another one from my ambient crackpot series.

This features two instances of my new instrument the Novaphone 340 Imperial. A grand name for a grand instrument (Xylo just didn’t do it justice).

The first Novaphone is playing three samples: some clicks, some rustles, and a cello scrape. The second is playing a piano note and a note from a music box.

These two are sequenced using MIDI clips in Ableton. The first Novaphone is going through PSP MicroWarmer to limit pops and spikes while the second uses a triplet dub delay via DubStation. I use PanStation on both to add some movement.

Both of the Novaphones are feeding TimeFreezer on a return track and I have MIDI clips controlling TimeFreezers Freeze and Pitch function to create pitch soars and swoops.

I’m using a plate reverb setting from Eos and PSP VintageWarmer 2 on the master track.

I think this one warrants a listen on headphones. There’s quite a lot tucked in the background.

All being well I plan to make the Novaphone 340 Imperial available to Reaktor users, via the UL, next month.

It’s been pointed out that this track doesn’t have a lot of “body” and, indeed, it’s frequency spectrum is quite lop-sided with peaks at 300Hz, 1KHz, and 1.8KHz and a steep roll off over 2KHz. I think that’s the result of the LP filter in the Novaphone and the degree to which I mixed it. Also if the frequencies aren’t in the source samples they won’t be much present in the output. I’m going to experiment with a bandpass filter instead of a LP filter although I like the way the LP filter can be made to decay over time. Tricky thing this filtering!

The Old Grey Wolf Ltd Co's avatar
The Old Grey Wolf Ltd Co said

Following on from Sirens, good use of space and delicate sounds, haunting.

Guest said

Yeah, I can see why MTC felt the cops were after him. It does sound like that in places. I like the footsteps, that's an interesting addition. Oh, is it over ......

igor's avatar
igor said

Wind, cold wind right here, with echoes of nothingness - that's where the trick, but not "filtering", Matt, even if you... I think so.

Wildgeas Music's avatar
Wildgeas Music said

Whatever he said, it works for me.

Movement To Contact's avatar
Movement To Contact said

Sounds like the cops are after me, kept looking over my shoulder ;)

Johnny Stone's avatar
Johnny Stone said

I dig this mate very cool.

mmi's avatar
mmi said

Frankly, I like this piece as it is. You've left space without the feeling that something is missing.

Cave Street's avatar
Cave Street said

I love this...

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