Sister Savage's listening history
Vocals performed by 2 year old Mo.
Music later added by glu, who produced this track as a brilliant surprise. We absolutely love it!
Melody based on 'Ah! vous dirai-je, Maman,' by Mozart.
A laid-back funk instrumental. My habitual place-holder while I work out what else to put up.
Music, Guitars & Baritone Guitar - Me!
Percussion - DrumsOnDemand
My version of the fantastic Sister Savage/Gary Fox tune. Not as good as the original but I had fun! Thanks to Tess for helping out with the lyrics
Another ambient piece from last year that I always intended to re record with better sounds, but never did. I will procrastinate- one of these days!!
Straight ahead stone city electric blues for an old friend who used to spend hours spinning BB King and Mike Bloomfield records for me. Recorded back sometime at the end of 2006 on old analog equipment
This was a song I wrote last year, and haven't recorded until last night. We had a jam session at my place, so you'll hear some folks you know on this live recording.. Feels like a old time sing-a-long as I listened again this morning.
This is a song about questions, especially after experiencing the loss of someone are the lyrics:
Down past the bridge
By Saint Peter‘s church
She hums a prayer
Her eyes blue and bare
She’s longing for comfort…