skiks/bruce hamilton's listening history
from Skiks: 04 motives (remastered)
harmonically static but a second layer of drums & bass kick in about 2.5 minutes in, followed by a solo.
Timestretched acoustic guitar, cicadas.
A sonic tribute to Ray Bradbury, who turns 90 this Sunday.
The breaking light sample is the song 8060710103 up tempoed from a length of about 10 minutes, to a length of 2.5 minutes, then bass expanded and vocoded. Then I added my instrumentation.
George's message is everything
I have not done many covers.... this I had to do
but it does not compare to the original
This is from 1983 and is a primitive multiple double tracked recording
yamaha CS-10 monophonic analog synth (for everything…
I (Al) love this song that Jess wrote for our first album (Manhattan-Monee). I recorded this version while learning to play dulcimer in late 2008, with my horrible crappy recording setup. Randomly stumbled on it cleaning out some files, thought…
window, then the other. quirky little FM loop makes an appearance.