slkrell's listening history
He can't play nicely or share his toys
He always takes from the other boys
Got no time for music or vids
Doesn't act like the other kids
Does Donald
Don't let Donald play
He's gonna spoil your day
Believe his words if you must
But only…
This song is in response to the song writting challenge offered by Carl Unbehaun of Minnesota HomeBrew Radio / Thief River Falls, MN
"Write a song about a Crazy X Girlfriend"
G A friend said he…
The finished product! Oldest daughter shines!
We don't always see eye to eye
And there are some days I don't know how we get by
We spend so much time caught in the race
Gotta slow down the pace
When did the river get so wide
All I thought…
Snow on the ground. Wind and temperatures below zero. It's time for another coffee table evening.
Recorded live around my coffee table with:
Mark Lofgren - Lead Guitar & Harmony
Colleen Dillon- Ukelele & Harmony
Greg Connor…
Something new here. Tilden Barger offered to arrange and produce this song. Tell me what you think.
Written by Greg Connor
Arranged and Produced by my friend Tilden Barger
Caught up in the recent political events, ISIS suicide bombers and pedifiles being protected by clergy . . . all on the evening news.
All guitar parts performed on my hand made Kapke Archtop Guitar made by my friend Damon Kapke.
Performed with National Baritone Guitar, Martin D-28, Morris Mandolin and Hohner EchoHarp.
D Down at the station Em waiting for a train,
G Try to find a brand new start D leave behind the A pain
Performed with National Baritone Guitar, Martin D-28, Morris Mandolin and Hohner EchoHarp.
D Down at the station Em waiting for a train,
G Try to find a brand new start D leave behind the A pain
Well, soon the new EP will be complete, featuring Jessica (the REAL talent in the family), but as with earlier songs, I thought y'all might like to hear what it sounded like when it first entered the world.
Meet me at The Narrows, ya'll.
I decided this was a good song to post on Thanksgiving as a way to say thanks to all the folks on AloneTone for listening to my music over these past few years. This is another song in the studio work I've been doing this year. We're still tinkering…