Songs From Nowhere Project's listening history

Cave Street's avatar
January Town - With the snow coming down in this January town how could I not think of you Oh the words that you said still echo in my head: When one dies one is born anew In the parking lot of the graveyard a stranger walked up to me he said…
Cave Street's avatar
She Will / Like the Rain - She came in like the rain More than half a day past due And I swear she looked the same In the way dreams and memories never do She passed me with a glancing smile As I tried to look away But her gaze could…
This is like a mission for the Doom Patrol I need a robot body for my brain Miss Callas calls the dopamine exhanges the sound of down And there is danger everywhere the scissor men are coming House of icons Felt like cards The brilliant…
Brett Warren's avatar
another car/sex metaphor song
FDR's avatar
Its nice to hang up the car keys and put one foot in front of the other because lets face it all routes lead to the pub ha ha!
The Old Grey Wolf Ltd Co's avatar
Instrumental easy listening
The Old Grey Wolf Ltd Co's avatar
Goes on the Dance of the Dying Fire album, I shortened it because I used the reggae bit that was at the end in another song. It's a bit of fun!!
informal grae's avatar
2nd Episode in a new venture includes local poets, musicians and comedians - have a gander and see what you think. G:) Includes Ollie West, Syd Meats, Craig Henningham, Katrina Henningham, Mark Badbelly Lang, Graeme Sandford and Jane Goldsack…
informal grae's avatar is where to find this young man. G:)
Songs From Nowhere Project's avatar
This is a song written about a week ago, maybe two, but at the time I couldn't play it and sing at the same time because of the difficulty of the guitar part. It's a bit of a scratch version, I think the vocal timing will improve and change some…