b-kader's listening history

Wildgeas Music's avatar
This is the second song from this amazing collaboration with Michael Thomas of Cave Street. http://alonetone.com/cavestreet It's not a Cave Street collab. but rather a project by Thomas - Lennon. I do the music and mixing. Michael does…
Cave Street's avatar
This is a remix of an improvised track I did for our first RPM album. For this new mix, I got rid of the vocals & added a most excellent electric guitar part by our good friend, Chris Mitchell. He listened to the track just once and proceeded…
Norm's avatar
This is a “cross-over” pattern. Cross-over patterns are a type of enharmonic polymeter, where 2 rhythms with different numbers of beats/measure are played at the same tempo: the measures do not line up each time. These rhythms have measures…
thetworegs's avatar
Reg was feeling lost last night in the cellar so he got the house band together and struck up this heart breaker....................
phantasm777's avatar
this is based on an improve from back in jan 75, then guitarist - chris layed this riff out and i never forgot it. it was the first time i was in a band as a bassist. the rest of the riffs are mine and everything else disastrous done in this song…
vaisvil's avatar
part of a 3 piano solo EP found here: http://chrisvaisvil.com/?p=1886
kirklynch's avatar
Started out be an innocent little jazzy study in quartal harmony, but the DL4 was still in my signal path and things went downhill from there! Another done with my beloved '58 Stratotone
Wildgeas Music's avatar
This is the third song from the Thomas - Lennon project. A collaboration with Michael Thomas of Cave Street. http://alonetone.com/cavestreet Lyrics and vocals - Michael Thomas Wildgeas Music - Paul Lennon Enjoy! Love is Free as you let it…
Greg Connor's avatar
Shadows & Light, A compilation between: Bethan Mathis, Vocals http://alonetone.com/bethanmathis Lisa D, Irish Whistle http://alonetone.com/lisad Greg Connor, Guitar Lyrics: Shadows And Light, Written by…
Tharek Ali Mokbul's avatar
Another one For Wren's Album Little Bird ORH:Vocals and Lyrics OsCKilO: MusicLittle Bird, Little Bird the tiny brown wren so small but so loud its voice fills the woodlands and moorlands and farms its beautiful song so vibrant and full it…