LOVE the title - pretty much describes me. Wasn't sure I was going to like the music too, but I do!! Big time... I'm gonna be checking out more of your stuff.
The "crunch" on the hats is so goddamn pleasing for some reason, and it contrasts well with the droning sustain tone in the background. Sounds like it could belong to some badass indy game soundtrack.
I often make music as the result of busy, frustrating days too. But it seems to be every day lately, and I just don't have the energy to make music right now...
This a song for the lenten season, contemplating what it must have been like for Jesus during His 40 days in the desert after being baptized by St. John, His cousin.
Forty Days
To the desert Jesus Christ was led
And for forty…
Comments on spacehoers's stuff
Another cool title... and track to go with it...
LOVE the title - pretty much describes me. Wasn't sure I was going to like the music too, but I do!! Big time... I'm gonna be checking out more of your stuff.
There is something compelling about your calm reflective pieces like this :-)
every cat has at least one... its were the 9 lives are stored...
LOVE that noisey apreggiating thing that comes in around :33
Very industrial like. Good stuff.
I wanna see someone dance this. Love it.
It was an Arturia Minibrute 2, that I got used for $500. In exchange for allowing me to get this, my wife got a small red footed tortoise.
Lola has my respect. What synth was slept on?
Great sounds in this!
interesting sounds. What do you use?>
excellent odd and menacing mood!
Its the only reason to have a day job!
I can relate. Its a bummer when the stuff in the box starts to move.
This has some nice shades of Devo to it - really like that!
Nice - must be a cosmic sink!
Really reminds me of oldschool 16-bit game music, has a Super Metroid vibe!
The "crunch" on the hats is so goddamn pleasing for some reason, and it contrasts well with the droning sustain tone in the background. Sounds like it could belong to some badass indy game soundtrack.
Loving the lowfi backbeat and hihats.
Comments made by spacehoers
The walls are melting. I'd be worried about this if I wasn't renting.
I often make music as the result of busy, frustrating days too. But it seems to be every day lately, and I just don't have the energy to make music right now...
I like this, and I'm an atheist.
I need to start practicing guitar more.
WIth some more instrumentation, this could be a very good dungeon synth track.
Good stuff!
Overall a pretty good album.
I don't know what movie this is, but I think I want to see it!
The whammy did not die in vain.
Good stuff.
It was an Arturia Minibrute 2, that I got used for $500. In exchange for allowing me to get this, my wife got a small red footed tortoise.
I like it.
Good stuff.