Comments on spacehoers's stuff

spacehoers's avatar
A reliable source of funny since at least 2011.
winstonbmusic's avatar
winstonbmusic said

*digital dancing*

spacehoers's avatar
Lola the cat decided to use my new synthesizer as a cat bed, so I turned it on and hit record. I did some layering and added effects.
Guest said

Great!!! This cat is a very artist and it's an honour for me she has my name ;-) ^_^ Lola Sprint xxx

spacehoers's avatar
launched's avatar
launched said


spacehoers's avatar
myshare's avatar
myshare said

very funny !

spacehoers's avatar
But it's on sale so cheap now, and I'm sure I'll play it later.
myshare's avatar
myshare said

interesting harmony changes.

spacehoers's avatar
I've been doing this too much lately.... On another, happier note, I finally got around to adding guitar to a track...
vaisvil's avatar
vaisvil said

Like the guitar - nice addition to a great track!

spacehoers's avatar
vaisvil's avatar
vaisvil said

This is epic!

spacehoers's avatar
And I'm all out of space weed.
myshare's avatar
myshare said

love the tom tom fills

spacehoers's avatar
Andrew Russe's avatar
Andrew Russe said

Kinda spooky ... I like what you're doing with this one.

spacehoers's avatar
If you don't do this, they get kinda disgusting...
Andrew Russe's avatar
Andrew Russe said

Hehe... kinda "March of the cloth masks"

spacehoers's avatar
And I'm all out of space weed.
myshare's avatar
myshare said

mellow sounds and a cool beat-I like that one

spacehoers's avatar
I wonder if we'll have redpolls showing up this winter.
vaisvil's avatar
vaisvil said

love this! - I didn't know dungeon syth existed - thanks - if you want to add to XD that would be awesome!

spacehoers's avatar
I should really stop doing this. It's not helping my mental health. But I can't look away...
Andrew Russe's avatar
Andrew Russe said

Hehe... yeah, I keep thinking we need them to turn the internet off... no, wait... that won't work...

spacehoers's avatar
Andrew Russe's avatar
Andrew Russe said

I love your titles. More cool sounds here.

spacehoers's avatar
Turns out she wasn't actually mad at me, she was just mlemming.
Andrew Russe's avatar
Andrew Russe said

Cool sounds

spacehoers's avatar
They opened the economy here, but I don't think I feel safe going out more than I absolutely have to... and when I go out, I wear a mask.
vaisvil's avatar
vaisvil said

Good work! And yeah a mask is the only way to fly

spacehoers's avatar
They opened the economy here, but I don't think I feel safe going out more than I absolutely have to... and when I go out, I wear a mask.
witzelsucht's avatar
witzelsucht said

yea I like this ...

spacehoers's avatar
Baking soda and vinegar did the job.
Andrew Russe's avatar
Andrew Russe said

Sounds like slightly more elbow grease than I'm prepared to put into it was also involved

spacehoers's avatar
Andrew Russe's avatar
Andrew Russe said

OK... I've been misled by a track comment... I was finishing enjoying Shoulder Mounted Attack Borb and reading ahead for the next track... "calm reflective" indeed... eh? I need a lie down now... and I was barely off the horizontal anyway... Still, I'll happily agree with the "something compelling"

spacehoers's avatar
I have an aggressive species of cockatoo on my shoulder, so you probably should follow standard social distancing protocols. His name is Mitri, and he's a lesser sulfur crested cockatoo, so he's kind of a jerk.
Andrew Russe's avatar
Andrew Russe said

Haha!... yeah, ok I'm hooked.
