Sudara's listening history

b-kader's avatar
excerpts from: breeze, thyme a dream came true for 4 people. last friday (17th of october) we made our first complete run through "the dark side" during rehearsal. not perfect but good enough to do a 'best of'. for us it's been a magic moment…
mmi's avatar
Spastic + Angular = Spazangles
b-kader's avatar
rehearsal recording martin - keyboard georg - guitar ulrich - drums helmut - bass not 'pink floyd' but genesis. as you hear, we are into the seventies - the only drugs involved: german beer ;-)
glu's avatar
work in progress
glu's avatar
RPM demo filler track. you see where this is all going.
Freddie Freelance's avatar
A track based on an accidental rhythm track I created while playing with a free VTS Host program, overlaid with an ambient tone and a Text to Speech-ified reading from Francis E. Dec's "GANGSTER COMPUTER GOD WORLD- WIDE SECRET CONTAINMENT POLICY…
Freddie Freelance's avatar
The first track of a suite based on the SubGenius Pamphlet #1; the track has a Drone-y bassline with an avalanche of drums, no real melody to speak of, and the words are spoken by an old, wonky MicroSoft Text to Speech engine.
Sudara's avatar
Rough and Slow acoustic version of the more poppy [lifeline glu and sudara collaboration]( If you like 4 minutes of the same 3 chords, you'll LOVE this song. Now that I have two microphones…
Freddie Freelance's avatar
A series of echoing gongs played in various keys to create patterns of echoes, and occasionally chords. One of my mellowest pieces, almost meditative.
Pile's avatar