Todd Stocking
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Cover of Joe Satriani's "A Love Eternal" from Super Colosssal.
Cover of the Glen Hansard track from the movie "Once".
This is one of those songs that I wrote that keeps playing in my head throughout the day, hope you enjoy it as much as I did recording it.
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I like changing things. Going from one place to another. Like a journey. Kinda like life. This instrumental guitar track goes many places. Enjoy the ride!
Recent Favorites
i saw the curtains changing color
i watched the sun room come alive
i have been sitting in this rocker
wondering when you might arrive
i am hoping for redemption
cant stand the way i feel
i know it is only passing through me
rivers flood…
Latest Comments
Hi Todd, Just got into your music, sorry it took me so long. Loved "Don't Give Up On Me". Are you playing the music? love you. Aunt Barbara xo
This is one of those songs that I wrote that keeps playing in my head throughout the day, hope you enjoy it as much as I did recording it.
Endicott Road
I've been listening to your songs, and I like your music. The guitar work on this gives the song a memorable melody. Well done. ER
Instrumental guitarist blending blues, rock, and jazz from “Collar City”, Troy, New York. Thanks for listening.
My current “studio” setup: Ibanez RG350EX Guitar, M-Audio Jam Lab ART Tube MP Studio Preamp, M-Audio 49e Midi Controller, Digitech Whammy-Wah (from 1997!), iMac intel, Garageband, M-Audio Studio Pro 4 Reference Monitors
from Troy, NY, United States
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42 tracks