The Jason Hannah Project's listening history

LivGibson's avatar
am/fm dreams's avatar
Album: The End of Happy Endings Year: 2010 (RPM) Written by: Damian Lethbridge
When We Fall Victim's avatar
This whole album is unknown, its odd and fun, yet strangely addicting
c}{imps 8 my ears's avatar
first song featuring both chimps since like well, forever ago. just a taste of future calamity in the musicverse
The Jason Hannah Project's avatar
Another instrumental. Several years ago I got a Behringer V-amp, and the first day I had it I wanted to play around with some of the odd guitar tones. This was the result of that playing around.
The Jason Hannah Project's avatar
Another instrumental. Several years ago I got a Behringer V-amp, and the first day I had it I wanted to play around with some of the odd guitar tones. This was the result of that playing around.
The Jason Hannah Project's avatar
Just a simple instrumental. My wife was working on a new piano style one night, and when she was done practicing, I decided to try my hand at it. I flubbed up the very first chord, but I loved the way my flub sounded, so I wrote a whole song…
The Jason Hannah Project's avatar
I actually composed this entire song in a piece of guitar tab software called Guitar Pro. Then I exported it to MIDI, imported it into Reaper, and assigned better sounding VST instruments to each track. The purpose behind it was to see if someone…
inmyths's avatar
This is a simple acoustic song Lyrics at
thiscausticautumn's avatar
Track 11 on Novella Minor. Sort of the climax to the story, if the album can be taken as a story, before the conclusion in Steppes. One of our more energetic/driving songs. On its own, it's about the moment you realize someone you've long admired…