Comments on thetworegs's stuff

thetworegs's avatar
Louis was back in the cellar last night and he was telling Reg how Blue he was and they got to jamming...............This morning i arrived at the cellar to find Bon was passed out in the corner....Dave was right with his guess....He could never…
cuthbert's avatar
cuthbert said

Great idea here - love the music and vocals. Sounds like it may have been a throat-shredder - hope you kept a glass of water handy while singing!

thetworegs's avatar
Reg was just tootling about with the piano and he got possessed by someone and just couldn't stop. He's thinking it must have been the Devil himself because he just couldn't stop......or maybe it was the Moonshine........
cuthbert's avatar
cuthbert said

That's some nice honky-tonk piano & cool vox, Reg!

thetworegs's avatar
Reg was just tootling about with the piano and he got possessed by someone and just couldn't stop. He's thinking it must have been the Devil himself because he just couldn't stop......or maybe it was the Moonshine........
Norm's avatar
Norm said

Technically speaking, it would no longer be Hell with you at the piano, Reg.

thetworegs's avatar
Louis was back in the cellar last night and he was telling Reg how Blue he was and they got to jamming...............This morning i arrived at the cellar to find Bon was passed out in the corner....Dave was right with his guess....He could never…
Guest said

Louis is your half brother from the 3rd inserted mind:)...awesome!

thetworegs's avatar
Louis was back in the cellar last night and he was telling Reg how Blue he was and they got to jamming...............This morning i arrived at the cellar to find Bon was passed out in the corner....Dave was right with his guess....He could never…
Norm's avatar
Norm said

@ Dave: Why, Louie Armstrong, of course! @ Reg: I don't know brother - your basement is beginning to sound like the bar in Kubrick's "The Shining". I'm beginning to worry about you.

thetworegs's avatar
Reg has finally brought Bon round and he wants to get straight up and sing............Reg cant stop him ...Well, who can stop a man who's been on the shine... the only problem is that he is blind and he couldn't see the controls on the amp…
theofchurch's avatar
theofchurch said

sweet harpsichord!

thetworegs's avatar
Reg has finally brought Bon round and he wants to get straight up and sing............Reg cant stop him ...Well, who can stop a man who's been on the shine... the only problem is that he is blind and he couldn't see the controls on the amp…
Dave Berry's avatar
Dave Berry said

Help me lord.................too much Reg, its all too much....I need a drink...

thetworegs's avatar
Who should come down the cellar to see Elvis but Bon Scott. Reg got on with him like a house on fire, i mean they have a lot in common. Reg told him all about his new love. S o they decided to jam and this is what they came up with…
Jason Earls's avatar
Jason Earls said

YES!! Bon Scott. Favorited!

thetworegs's avatar
Reg has finally brought Bon round and he wants to get straight up and sing............Reg cant stop him ...Well, who can stop a man who's been on the shine... the only problem is that he is blind and he couldn't see the controls on the amp…
Dave Berry's avatar
Dave Berry said

I'm comming over man....keep the door unlocked. You got me crying from this one, god-damn that moonshine.....tears of joy....wild fun Reg.

thetworegs's avatar
Louis was back in the cellar last night and he was telling Reg how Blue he was and they got to jamming...............This morning i arrived at the cellar to find Bon was passed out in the corner....Dave was right with his guess....He could never…
Dave Berry's avatar
Dave Berry said

I really love this ongoing story with these characters....this is really good have a damn rock-opera on you hands here. Drunken ramblings of a madman, long-forgotten rock legends, sadness and the blues, piano bar wisdom, all taking place in a cellar (like where the Beatles got their big break - Lennon in the other corner writing poems?).......its a world I wnat to visit, how can I find this magical cellar? Is there even a known address, or is it in stuff

thetworegs's avatar
Louis was back in the cellar last night and he was telling Reg how Blue he was and they got to jamming...............This morning i arrived at the cellar to find Bon was passed out in the corner....Dave was right with his guess....He could never…
Jason Earls's avatar
Jason Earls said

awesome vocals man! cool song.

thetworegs's avatar
Louis was back in the cellar last night and he was telling Reg how Blue he was and they got to jamming...............This morning i arrived at the cellar to find Bon was passed out in the corner....Dave was right with his guess....He could never…
Dave Berry's avatar
Dave Berry said

Louis? who the hell is Louis........sounds like he is a strong-arm kind of guy. He bring his trumpet? What happened to Bon, passed out in the corner no doubt, could never hold his booze could he.

thetworegs's avatar
Who should come down the cellar to see Elvis but Bon Scott. Reg got on with him like a house on fire, i mean they have a lot in common. Reg told him all about his new love. S o they decided to jam and this is what they came up with…
strummindude's avatar
strummindude said

Hey this sounds a lot like Dan McCafferty singing though! :) Went on a sea cruise with Nazareth the other year. Memorable... Can't remember visiting the cellar but on the other hand I don't remember much anyhow.

thetworegs's avatar
Reg has left re-hab but now he has to fill those sober hours with something, so he has taken to people watching, but like everything in his life he has become addicted to it, listening in on there private conversation as he follows them, watching…
Gumbo's avatar
Gumbo said


thetworegs's avatar
Reg was reading the paper today about the Spandex vigilante. Now Reg has got himself sorted becoming a superhero appeals to him. Ummmm about the suit i think it should be Blue to match my eyes with a large TTR motif of some sort on the chest in…
stoman's avatar
stoman said

I think I love your music. :)

thetworegs's avatar
This is another of the Bootleg prison tapes that Reg made during his Music therapy with Dr Vibes.......................
stoman's avatar
stoman said

Gotta love this one! ;)

thetworegs's avatar
Who should come down the cellar to see Elvis but Bon Scott. Reg got on with him like a house on fire, i mean they have a lot in common. Reg told him all about his new love. S o they decided to jam and this is what they came up with…
Dave Berry's avatar
Dave Berry said

The good Captain got him down there too Reg?

thetworegs's avatar
Who should come down the cellar to see Elvis but Bon Scott. Reg got on with him like a house on fire, i mean they have a lot in common. Reg told him all about his new love. S o they decided to jam and this is what they came up with…
courantstelluriques's avatar
courantstelluriques said

love it! reminds me of Captain Beefheart.

thetworegs's avatar
Who should come down the cellar to see Elvis but Bon Scott. Reg got on with him like a house on fire, i mean they have a lot in common. Reg told him all about his new love. S o they decided to jam and this is what they came up with…
Norm's avatar
Norm said

You are hanging out with some fairly hard-core partiers Reg. Be careful!

thetworegs's avatar
Well it had to happen sometime, he couldn't go on living the way he was, even with those full throttle hands there was no excuse, he was guilty....... guilty as charged........RPM2011
Gumbo's avatar
Gumbo said

Drugs are really expensive in prison LMAO
