Fantastic, I feel this one, I am there with you, deadly musical imagination you have. You sure there are only two Regs. sounds like a room full of the damn Reg dudes.
"Some years ago, the good folks at The Acid Exchange took up the challenge to make a different kind of experiment in the unity of music. Each of the participants submitted one or more renditions of verses of this familiar song…
I started this thinking it would be a tune with the emphasis on my guitar but as it progressed I heard horns and then all these other things happened and this is what I ended up with.
For the grandchildren, when I get some!
Moonbee started life as a doodle, then he was turned into a little story, then a song!
This is Part 1 of the series - I have no idea how many there will be in total!
Enjoy! xox
P.S. This is…
Tack on the soles of our two shoes,
Walk until we can find the dam.
And if the water is shallow enough,
Maybe you wouldnt mind wading in.
Waist deep, and it's getting cold,
Still you refuse to go home.
You're convinced that I want to stay…
Found a interesting sounding indian instrument via the computer world and strummed out chords on my lil midi guitar. Added some percussion, strings and a flute.
I put the music together last weekend ... my friend and bandmate Rob George did the bass track for me last Saturday ... I used my godin acoustic electric for the guitars ... did the vocals this morning and wish I had more time for the mix…
Now I feel Christmasy with a beat....great stuff......I watched a wonderful life last night so im full of the Christmas spirit this morning.....Merry Christmas Geas..merry christmas Alonetone.......merry christmas everyone........
Comments on thetworegs's stuff
Pretty cool. Really like the backing vocals. Great feel to this! Thanks for recent comment on my song Tuba Man!
Fantastic, I feel this one, I am there with you, deadly musical imagination you have. You sure there are only two Regs. sounds like a room full of the damn Reg dudes.
love this!
Great tune you nailed it.
Unhinged is a great way to make super fine music. This rocks hard for such a quite track.
Thats the kind of song I like, sure do, sure do.
Comments made by thetworegs
I agree with Kirk and I can't believe I missed this either.........excellent
Brilliant keys.....
A Wonderful rendition ......
Excellent playing that's some pumping Bass.....
oooh Yeah!!
Got a great vibe to start this sunny Sunday morning.....
covers like a silken sheet delicately beautiful.........
and a beautiful thing it became too ......
Bring a little bit of summer to cold wet yorkshire....Thanks
Beautiful song.......
A wonderful trip with a touch of discomfort........
That's a great sounding drum.....infact the whole thing is ....
You'll end uplike don't bogart that bottle pass it over here.....I've got a head like a bears sore arse.........
Ooooh yeah!! A great profession .......
A rollicking good ride to the end of the Year...Happy new year Snoop!!!
Loving that sax and a great bass line......
you can't beat a bit of synth madness....i mean it is Christmas........
Nicely done ......Merry Christmas
Now thats something that gets the ooh yeahs going .......merry Christmas Norm.....
Now I feel Christmasy with a beat....great stuff......I watched a wonderful life last night so im full of the Christmas spirit this morning.....Merry Christmas Geas..merry christmas Alonetone.......merry christmas everyone........