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The mans back home but he feels unsafe …..he felt safer in the war zone ………..he’s a broken man………what he’s seen and done has destroyed him…….

WHIRLPOOL (Lyrics by Reg)

He’s coming down
falling through the clouds back to his home

Driving cold blinded by the scenes
playing in his mind again an again
dead bodies torn limbs
screaming in his mind ….
Scream in his mind
Scream in his mind

driving fast like a Hurricane
swirling in a whirlpool,whirlpool of pain
he’s on the move once again
the mans on fire
this mans in pain

he’s tarred and feathered by a tattered past
he moves in haste he moves real fast
time flashes by no one sees
he’s so smooth like the breeze
he’s coming down from way up high
he’s falling fast feeling like he’s going to die

through the clouds from the blue
oh my god whats he going to do
he’s back from the war with his torn soul
he hears the screams come from below

He’s all confused by his thoughts inside
he thinks he has blown his mind
Blown his mind
he can’t live here, he too insane he’s been through a lot of pain
a lot of pain
he’s coming down falling through the clouds
here he is in New Orleans
in a city, that ain’t so clean

he’s driving cold blinded by the scenes playing over and over again in his blown mind
he can see the bleeding of his mind pouring out through his eyes through his eyes

so he gets in the car and he starts to drive
he’s driving fast like a hurricane
swirling around in his mind is a whirlwind a whirlwind of pain

he’s coming down, he’s coming down from way up high
he’s back from the war with his torn soul
he hears the screams from below
A hand stretches out from within his mind and pulls him down despite his cries
despite his cries
he’s gone

Guest said

Agree with Bethan - this track really reels you in! Also the mix is ace.

The Old Grey Wolf Ltd Co's avatar
The Old Grey Wolf Ltd Co said


Girl From Winter Jargon's avatar
Girl From Winter Jargon said

Nice theatrics going on here! Sorry it took me 8 months to acknowledge your comment on Quid.

Movement To Contact's avatar
Movement To Contact said

Yes....i have always been a noise maker. :) Sweet track man! Love the lyrics!

Guest said

Brilliant lyric Reg and excellent delivery.

R. J. Garn's avatar
R. J. Garn said

thanks fro the comments on my songs. I've finally been feeling better after the holidays, even went and played a few tunes with Jim last weekend. On the song Pirates of the colorado, what sounds like a campfire is actually Jim, about 8 years old, setting at my feet, breaking sticks by the fire as he was listening to me record...much thanks and take your stuff

igor's avatar
igor said

what he's seen and done has devastated him he’s coming down from way up high he’s back from the war singing home, sweet home yes!
