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The Nowwhere Man

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The insecurity of criticism to the nowhere man ……… I didn’t have time this evening to put any music to this so i’ve put an old instrumental (The Turkish Lout) to it…..hope you enjoy my little drama about that nowhere man….(Be Warned Some bad Language in this one)
should he give it,up give it all rest
face reality or put it to a test
or is he too afraid of what the people think
is he so insecure will it take him to the brink
is he so uncertain of his talent of who he is

is he just a nowhere man living in a nowhere land
trying to be what he doesn’t understand

is he afraid of a lack of ability, are his dreams all shit
is he too afraid too insecure to ever get close to it
the big wide world who maybe maybe will tell him the truth
so he’ll keep his specialness to the ones he knows
they tell him he’s amazing, cool and really great
the friends who pay him lip service in return for the same
to keep their egos in check, unharmed so they can fell special it helps to keep them sane
but he knows there nothing fucking special, is he the fucking same?

is he just a nowhere man living in a nowhere land
trying to be what he doesn’t understand

is his belief in being special totally insane just a little ploy to help him play the game
are his lyrics so so, his tunes not all that
how can he really tell if he dare not put them out
afraid of the response his ego way too frail
will he decide, he’ll carry on in his eggshell world pretending that he knows best
that he doesn’t want fame or fortune or put his music to the test
he wants to keep his identity comfortable unscrewed
and never realize he is not special at all
and that there is no great escape
from his dead end job it’s his until the day the day he drops

is he just a nowhere man living in a nowhere land
trying to be what he doesn’t understand

so instead of testing his talent he prefers the fantasy to the real
just incase the facade is forced to drop and he truly realizes he not that fucking hot
and has to face up to what he’s really all about a man playing games to escape the shit life that he’s got
just a poor soul trying to force himself into a dream that he has something special, special other people need
and he’s life is nothing more than a dream while wide awake lying himself to hide from his fate

is he just a nowhere man living in a nowhere land
trying to be what he doesn’t understand

What do you Think?

Brett Warren's avatar
Brett Warren said

pardon MY language, but this is F***in' brilliant!

sleggthesockpuppet's avatar
sleggthesockpuppet said

lovely - can't wait to hear the dance mix

Guest said

Love the Eastern feel in the music. Your spoken word delivery is right on as usual!

Billy Jack's avatar
Billy Jack said

nice work

Guest said

I love that music. It sounds sort of Chinese, and that's fab in my book. Perfect delivery as usual Regs!
