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Going To Hell In A Rowing Boat (RPM2012)


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Well you knew he would be in the end.. .i liked the song but not the way it was performed so here’s Take 2……
Going to hell in a rowing boat (Lyrics)
Im Going off to hell in a rowing boat
He’s going to hell in a rowing boat
Im Going to hell in a rowing boat
Row boys row row row row
I’m going to hell in a rowing boat
He’s going to hell in a rowing boat
So row boys row row row row
Row boys row row row row

Now i’ve hit a little confusion, my heads in a little pain
My life seems to be going nowhere in fact its down the drain
Can’t find no work, ain’t got no money 
My life has turned to shit 
I hear you say 
now ain’t that sad ain’t that bad
I hear you say  
now ain’t that sad ain’t that bad

now ain’t that sad ain’t that bad

I go to church every Sunday, get down on my knees 
I Talk to the big man up them stairs and tell him about my needs
I Don’t think any body heard a single word, about what i said
There ain’t nobody in that place it’s just its filled with the dead
Now I hear you say
now ain’t that sad ain’t that bad
Now I hear you say
now ain’t that sad ain’t that bad

There ain’t no body gonna save my soul
no there ain’t no body gonna save his soul  
There ain’t  no body gonna save this soul
no there ain’t no body gonna save his soul  
There ain’t no body gonna save my soul
no there ain’t no body gonna save his soul  
I’m gonna be left out there in the cold
He’s gonna be left out there in the cold
So I’m off to hell in a rowing boat
So he’s off to hell in a rowing boat
Row boys row row row
so boys keep rowing row row row
Cause I’m off to hell in a rowing boat
he’s off to hell in a rowing boat
Row boys row row row
yeah boys keep rowing row row row

I want to be there right on time
Yeah he want’s to get there right on time
I want to be the first the first in line
He want’s to be the first one out in line
I hear you say
ain’t that sad ain’t that bad
I hear you say
ain’t that sad ain’t that bad

I tried going back to church like a good boy
I Tried praying to the man above 
But there ain’t nobody in that place apart from the dead and the stuffed
So I’m gonna go and help myself I’m gonna turn real bad
I gonna get myself out there and stop myself from being sad 
So I’ve decided I’m off to hell in my rowing boat right now
So row boys row row row yeah row right now
row row row row

I’ve hit confusion, my heads in a little pain
My life seems to me  to be going nowhere apart from  down the drain
My life’s turned to shit 
I hear you say
ain’t that sad ain’t that bad
I hear you say
ain’t that sad ain’t that bad
I hear you say
ain’t that bad ain’t that sad

Dirty Spirits's avatar
Dirty Spirits said

good rpm. enjoyed very much.

Guest said

Lots of expression in your voice Reg. Excellent!

Guest said

Love those lyrics and the tinkling piano.

A Bit More Better Productions's avatar
A Bit More Better Productions said

nice work butty!

terrysongs's avatar
terrysongs said

open that jug and let the spirits flow

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