Comments on Tipu's stuff

Tipu's avatar
thetworegs's avatar
thetworegs said

it certainly was.......

Tipu's avatar
Back to warm and mellow drifting synths!
Guest said


Tipu's avatar
Jeff Duke's avatar
Jeff Duke said

Love this!!

Tipu's avatar
Random blue mood. Vocals by MJ, from a different song by a different side project, which I 'borrowed' for now.
Movement To Contact's avatar
Movement To Contact said

Pretty cool track man.

Tipu's avatar
Random blue mood. Vocals by MJ, from a different song by a different side project, which I 'borrowed' for now.
kirklynch's avatar
kirklynch said

Enchanting piece! Very nice!

Tipu's avatar
James Michael Taylor's avatar
James Michael Taylor said

Makes me dizzy...

Tipu's avatar
Movement To Contact's avatar
Movement To Contact said

FAV- really really enjoyed this one.

Tipu's avatar
Don't know any jazz, but I would really like to pretend!
Guest said

Sweet sounds!

Tipu's avatar
You know how good mixing means EQ, compressing etc? Yeah, disregarded everything here. intro bluesy guitar sample from here: "Diamonds on the Soles of Her Shoes"
Movement To Contact's avatar
Movement To Contact said

Eq? Compression? What is that? :) The best tracks are always done on the fly.

Tipu's avatar
Worth the long duration, I hope :) All Field sample from
coelocanth's avatar
coelocanth said

Nicely assembled, pastoral shifting moods.

Tipu's avatar
The joy of mixing heavily effected, distorted guitars! (sarcasm) Not as nice as I wanted it, but not rage inducing bad either. In the vein of Mono etc
Tipu's avatar
Tipu said

Yeah, I used to do that for the heavier tracks sometimes. Nowadays I just record a few guitar riffs in a hurry, go to uni and then make a song out of them later on when I need a break... so its hit or miss with the end product. In this case the drive was a bit too high xD

Tipu's avatar
lucidlucille's avatar
lucidlucille said

This is just too pretty.

Tipu's avatar
Shoegaze attempt #2
lucidlucille's avatar
lucidlucille said

Quartal harmony + post-rock flavor + decepticons in the background = <3

Tipu's avatar
The joy of mixing heavily effected, distorted guitars! (sarcasm) Not as nice as I wanted it, but not rage inducing bad either. In the vein of Mono etc
mmi's avatar
mmi said

Nice track. Your signature scale :) On the mixing: A friend of mine and I were talking about recording distortion and dealing with noise and he told me that he likes to layer his sounds. Rather than have a single track with distortion set to 8, he'll layer 4 tracks at 2 (conceptually). I have to play with this idea myself to fully understand it but figured I'd throw it out there...

Tipu's avatar
Hoping it's not too derived.
The Bad Blokes's avatar
The Bad Blokes said

Literally couldn't stop myself dancing to this!

Tipu's avatar
One of my sub standard tracks, at least that is what it feels like, but to each his own sense of hearing and like :)
Djörk's avatar
Djörk said

Just listened to a couple of your playlists and enjoyed everything.. great stuff! unfortunately, i now feel too chilled out to go back an fav them all... too much work :)

Tipu's avatar
One of my sub standard tracks, at least that is what it feels like, but to each his own sense of hearing and like :)
kavin.'s avatar
kavin. said

Actually quite good Tipu. Much to be said for subtlety and minimalism.

Tipu's avatar
Last track of the new album :D For those wondering, no I'm not referring to anyone, it's just how the 'post rock' names are, ala Red Sparowes, ASMZ, etc. Long and Pretentious track titles.
Guest said

Like a cave tour..yes i can see the light..

Tipu's avatar
One of my sub standard tracks, at least that is what it feels like, but to each his own sense of hearing and like :)
Guest said


Tipu's avatar
Got more and more interested in shoegaze/uplifting indie/electronic music e.g. M83 or //orangenoise, so I tried to compose a bit. Really pleased with the result :D
lucidlucille's avatar
lucidlucille said

Trippy stuff. They should launch one more space shuttle so they can set it to this.
