Multi-track aggregate of various kitchen implements, mostly as-recorded, but a couple of modified parts. What sounds like a drum is actually a slowed down metal spatula. Besides the spatula (heard on its own being struck against the heel of a…
Formed sheet metal front edging from old shelves that were in my apartment unit. Played by bowing with the Jim-bow and recorded on a Zoom H6. The motorcycle appearance at the crescendo was entirely coincidental. The title was inspired by the old…
Background drone is one of the saved "sequences" on my Roland SE-02 synth, likely from its original owner. The plucked string sound is also from the SE-02, but triggered via MIDI by a Casio DH-100 and played while the drone was running. These…
Sometimes, just a bunch of rubbish from a soundcheck can be used to create something interesting. In this case, setting up to record tenor sax (with a tin-foil pie plate covering the bell), some microphone taps, and a bit of vocalising, most with…
Punny title to hint at the sound origin; the sounds left on a reel of tape (or in this case, two different ones) after it has undergone a bulk-erase procedure - placing it on a device that creates a strong electromagnetic field that scrambles…
Four different tracks of Roland SE-02 controlled via MIDI by a Casio DH-100. Choosing different voices on the Casio causes settings to change on the Roland, which were then tweaked a little. Submitted to Sound-In "Roleplay Improv" for 1-8/2/2024.
I really like doing things between midi instruments made by totally different companies.. I do it with my novation supernova II and my microkorg xl it's just a matter of learning to ways that the midi signal is mapping back and forth...
Four different tracks of Roland SE-02 controlled via MIDI by a Casio DH-100. Choosing different voices on the Casio causes settings to change on the Roland, which were then tweaked a little. Submitted to Sound-In "Roleplay Improv" for 1-8/2/2024.
Three different versions of a similar line created using the onboard sequencer on a Roland SE-02. the different voices were created by changing settings on a Casio DH-100 digital horn attached via MIDI, and playing the horn. Submitted to Sound…
I kinda think that there is a lot more to learn about playing a saxophone 🎷 than what the Casio DH-100 would teach me.. although it was released in 1988 .. it's cool yours still works.. and quite well at that.. with a saxophone my problem is the wood reed buzzing that tickles my whole face.. I don't get that with my trombone.. but saxophones and clarinets the reed buzzing was very hard for me to make happen.. gosh I have over shared yet again lol 😆
Three different versions of a similar line created using the onboard sequencer on a Roland SE-02. the different voices were created by changing settings on a Casio DH-100 digital horn attached via MIDI, and playing the horn. Submitted to Sound…
Awesome detail Jim that occasionally has a frequency simulating vibration of the iPhone alert! Like the pixel like top voice that is waltzing in random.
Three different versions of a similar line created using the onboard sequencer on a Roland SE-02. the different voices were created by changing settings on a Casio DH-100 digital horn attached via MIDI, and playing the horn. Submitted to Sound…
Two different tracks recorded one after the other, no effects, and placed together to fit in with this week's (30/11 - 7/12/2023) Sound-In theme of "Weirdly random". Left track is the one-string crutch, the right is a plain old Hohner C harmonica…
Another three-track piece, with just the central voice (and in this case it actually is voice) being effected by the EHX Voice Box in vocoder mode. The other two parts are just straight sounds from a Roland SE02. Submitted to Sound-In "Strange…
Starting off sounding much different, this has undergone considerable transformation in Audacity to reach the form in which you hear it now. Drone from a window a/c unit and more jackhammering from the other side of our building.
Starting off sounding much different, this has undergone considerable transformation in Audacity to reach the form in which you hear it now. Drone from a window a/c unit and more jackhammering from the other side of our building.
Starting off sounding much different, this has undergone considerable transformation in Audacity to reach the form in which you hear it now. Drone from a window a/c unit and more jackhammering from the other side of our building.
I am always trying to recreate the sounds of a window a/c unit,.. sometimes I come close,.. I don’t know why I don’t just record my unit,.. ?? This is great 👍 ever so gradually increasing pitch,.. that’s perfect.. a kind of building to the peek but not a intense peek but it is a fade,.. again unexpected and excellent,..
Lots of loud noise going on with the refurbishment of the condo I live in, so thought I would haul out the horn and honk along. Been away for a couple of weeks working on a 50th anniversary restaging of David Tudor's Rainforest IV in Kingston…
nice... this is great --- I hope the condo is made better --- I never really liked that jackhammer sounds but never thought to play alongside the jackhammer .. great idea .. :)
Voice into EHX Voice Box on Unison/Whistle setting, into EHX Stereo Memory Man. Submitted to Sound-In "Within and Without the Loop (of Time)" for 8-15/12/2022.
Thanks, Jeff! Yeah EHX are fond of throwing unexpected little quirks into their devices it seems. Not sure exactly how this one works, but it can really do some great unexpected things.
Title inspired by the symmetrical nature of the piece. The original recording was the sound of striking various parts of a gourd bowl (a round bowl-like thing made by cutting the bottom from a dried gourd of some sort - I don't know, it was given…
From a little 4" reel of tape, this is the first attempt I made at using a Time Lag Accumulator set-up, where the tape is strung between two machines (in this case a Tandberg 3341X and a cheap Sears portable), with the initial sound recorded on…
From a little 4" reel of tape, this is the first attempt I made at using a Time Lag Accumulator set-up, where the tape is strung between two machines (in this case a Tandberg 3341X and a cheap Sears portable), with the initial sound recorded on…
Thanks, Bill. I obviously thought enough of it at the time to be a keeper, and have probably listened to it a few times since, but found even more to appreciate this time around. A week later, I recorded this with the same set-up:
Clarinet played into an empty tube that formerly held a bottle of Scotch, which may have had some unconscious influence on the rough melodic form. Picked up by two contact mics into a Zoom H4n recorder. Submitted to Sound-In for 26/2-4/3/2021.
This started out life as a single mono track created on a Gakken SX-150 Mk II, which was then duplicated and echo applied to each individual track in Audacity; 0.015 seconds left, 0.016 seconds right. The two were then run through all sorts of…
John (February 21, 1911 – September 30, 2055) was an American pretzel salesman. He is remembered as a cultural icon of teenage disillusionment and social estrangement, as expressed in the title of his most celebrated pretzel, "Double Garlic…
Thanks, Bill, but as you've probably noticed, with my style of playing a perfect - or eve proper - embouchure is not all that critical. Either that or my horn is very forgiving. Since I'm not trying to play particular notes or melodies, anything that doesn't quite work as intended merely becomes part of the piece in a different way.
Took a walk up to the local creek to try playing with some late-night bullfrogs (about 10pm). Kept to just playing short bursts, as arhythmically as possible. Submitted to Sound-in for 10-13/7/2019.
I should add that this piece has also been uploaded to if you want to see the exact location. radio aporee ::: maps - Taylor Creek Park, East York, ON, Canada
Comments on trawnajim's stuff
wow these sounds are excellent ***
There ya go!
really nice and mellow 000 liking things like this a lot..
Whoa that's awesome love the dark ethereal sound!
You always come up with inventive ways to generate sound and I admire that - this is quite cool as it sounds underwater to me.
I really like doing things between midi instruments made by totally different companies.. I do it with my novation supernova II and my microkorg xl it's just a matter of learning to ways that the midi signal is mapping back and forth...
another brilliant DH-100 application!
I kinda think that there is a lot more to learn about playing a saxophone 🎷 than what the Casio DH-100 would teach me.. although it was released in 1988 .. it's cool yours still works.. and quite well at that.. with a saxophone my problem is the wood reed buzzing that tickles my whole face.. I don't get that with my trombone.. but saxophones and clarinets the reed buzzing was very hard for me to make happen.. gosh I have over shared yet again lol 😆
Awesome detail Jim that occasionally has a frequency simulating vibration of the iPhone alert! Like the pixel like top voice that is waltzing in random.
This is the most unique use of a DH-100 that I know of!
I must of spent hours and hours as a child playing harmonica,.. this is a really excellent mix
WOW. omg cool-
Excellent scare .
Stop making sense feels like!
going strong, getting stronger - as I like it!
do as the dronans do
I am always trying to recreate the sounds of a window a/c unit,.. sometimes I come close,.. I don’t know why I don’t just record my unit,.. ?? This is great 👍 ever so gradually increasing pitch,.. that’s perfect.. a kind of building to the peek but not a intense peek but it is a fade,.. again unexpected and excellent,..
nice... this is great --- I hope the condo is made better --- I never really liked that jackhammer sounds but never thought to play alongside the jackhammer .. great idea .. :)
Theez third are the best onez.
Comments made by trawnajim
Nice gradual evolution of the timbre, Jim.
A drifty, dreamy piece. Nice work, Jeff!!
Wow! Lots of nice things happening in there!
Sure sounds like a load of fun being had!!
Thanks, Jeff! Yeah EHX are fond of throwing unexpected little quirks into their devices it seems. Not sure exactly how this one works, but it can really do some great unexpected things.
Nice one, Jeff! Appropriate for the upcoming "festivities", it has a rather spooky edge.
Nice one, Jim! Definitely got a jazzy undertone going on.
Thanks, Bill. The main reason for giving details of production is so that I can remember what I did later on!
Close enough to the original to be faithful, yet with enough difference to have its own personality. Superbly played!
Thanks, Jeff!!
Thanks, Bill. I obviously thought enough of it at the time to be a keeper, and have probably listened to it a few times since, but found even more to appreciate this time around. A week later, I recorded this with the same set-up:
Thanks! Experimental is my main thing. This is about as close as I get to an actual "tune".
I actually have another one, but it isn't working properly. Have to get it fixed someday.
Lotsa nice twists in that pretzel!!
Sounds like something I might've done with my fretless, back in the old tape days. Lovely!!
Thanks, Bill, but as you've probably noticed, with my style of playing a perfect - or eve proper - embouchure is not all that critical. Either that or my horn is very forgiving. Since I'm not trying to play particular notes or melodies, anything that doesn't quite work as intended merely becomes part of the piece in a different way.
Ha ha!
Ha ha, yes of course! Wasn't thinking of that at the time, but it is appropriate.
I should add that this piece has also been uploaded to if you want to see the exact location. radio aporee ::: maps - Taylor Creek Park, East York, ON, Canada