unbrokendub's listening history

yelyah's avatar
electronic-ish piece MMM brownies
Acid42's avatar
Of course, the title also reeks of jealousy because I couldn't create an IDM track even if I tried. So instead, here's a heavy, layered electronica track that reeks of faux glitchery and IDM-ishness.
Cave Street's avatar
The sounds recorded for this piece represent some of the oldest known musical vibrations combined with some of the most modern electronics: the iPhone. Featuring Mark Treefrog
AMUC's avatar
This is probably the least electronic-sounding of everything that I did from RPM 2010, although it still heavily uses samples (either self-sampled or from Freesound). That is me playing the harmonica, though. (No, really!) If the song makes…
yelyah's avatar
I get to say that it borders on hip-hop because there’s a hip hop drum loop and a hip hop drum kit on it. I have no idea what to call it other than “electronic”. With a piano. This is my second song using Record. I was going through a book on…
Janus's avatar
Kind of nice, dancey, electro maybe. Sounds a bit like Sigur Ros or the opening theme in Stanley Kubrick's masterpiece "2001" at the beginning. Gear used: Doepfer Dark Energy (for everything)
yelyah's avatar
Hurray patches? The melody was the last thing that was written for this. The piano is a placeholder for whenever I get around to actually writing full lyrics. (I have a few lines written down, but I’m not sure if that’s the direction I want…
Erik Spangler's avatar
Electronic backing track I created for the Cancer movement of "Zodiacrobatic", remixing "Tierkreis" by Karlheinz Stockhausen.
David Marcouillier's avatar
Lyrics: We are transient, like some ambient road trip sidebar, We utilize haphazard methods to keep things interesting. We deflect attention by dressing like the locals when we go to town. And all the while we’re living underground… Down…
Future Snakes's avatar
I'm heavily influenced by my the merger of analog and digital technology. I've played in many heavy, noise, and rock projects and this project is my first attempt at electronic music, which I've always had a passion for. I'm infulenced by…