Comments on vaisvil's stuff

vaisvil's avatar
vocal, bass, guitars, Live effects
jimgoodinmusic's avatar
jimgoodinmusic said

Sets the stage for spring breaking well Chris. Lovely swells in the guitar(s) and vocal works well slightly buried in the mix, gives it all a nice flowing feeling!

vaisvil's avatar
vocal, bass, guitars, Live effects
Sister Savage's avatar
Sister Savage said

Dreamy...drifting away on vaisvil clouds... Sounds like flowers opening.

vaisvil's avatar
what is your floor?
thetworegs's avatar
thetworegs said

an excellent ominous soundscape

vaisvil's avatar
what is your floor?
Newbold's avatar
Newbold said

this has the crackling static like sound ,,, I usually try to adjust my levels to keep things like that from happening usually when I saturate the sounds or it is just too loud and such... but here it is so cool,.. I remember when I used tape hiss as part of my song. mmm a lot of songs well most all the songs on tape that I could not filter the hiss off ... :)

vaisvil's avatar
7 tracks of Prophet 12 desk module. Tuning 31 edo (does it matter?)
Newbold's avatar
Newbold said

I was listening to Delia Derbyshire all morning and this just fit right in.. excellent work here.

vaisvil's avatar
7 tracks of Prophet 12 desk module. Tuning 31 edo (does it matter?)
Guest said

Yeah, cyberspooky

vaisvil's avatar
7 tracks of Prophet 12 desk module. Tuning 31 edo (does it matter?)
thetworegs's avatar
thetworegs said


vaisvil's avatar
Prophet 12 Desk Module Hydrasynth Explorer u-he Diva
Newbold's avatar
Newbold said

Wow 😳 love your use of the synthesizers in a guitar 🎸 style. Nice drum 🥁 placement 😺

vaisvil's avatar
Uses Prophet 12 desk module and Hydrasynth explorer…
Ricia Rae's avatar
Ricia Rae said

I love this! (the Prophet is amazing isn't it?....I have one too). Great idea this song.

vaisvil's avatar
Uses Prophet 12 desk module and Hydrasynth explorer…
Newbold's avatar
Newbold said

Ohh wow 😯 so 🆒 cool 😎

vaisvil's avatar
The same track at 250 BPM - the harp harmony stands out
Newbold's avatar
Newbold said

Totally different song from the shower song it's hard to believe it is just a tempo change.. thanks..

vaisvil's avatar
For female voice and harp in Pythagorean tuning IV His soul stretched tight across the skies That fade behind a city block, Or trampled by insistent feet At four and five and six o’clock; And short square fingers stuffing pipes, And…
Newbold's avatar
Newbold said

Excellent thanks for taking time and making this happen.. ☺️ this is a most abstract poem like Candy dishes made from a car Axel's while hanging from circular rainbows spilling out of a glass of milk 🥛...

vaisvil's avatar
for sound in abstract noise constructions - all abelton live
Newbold's avatar
Newbold said

I agree with Jim.. but more than ghostly some kind of robotics ghost haunting our ears and minds.. and yet not long enough to get us too scared 😳

vaisvil's avatar
for sound in abstract noise constructions - all abelton live
jimgoodinmusic's avatar
jimgoodinmusic said

Abstract and ghostly.

vaisvil's avatar
Made with Live, APC mini and samples
Dnane's avatar
Dnane said


vaisvil's avatar
Female vocal with cello section in Pythagorean tuning Public Domain poem from T.S. Eliot III You tossed a blanket from the bed, You lay upon your back, and waited; You dozed, and watched the night revealing The thousand sordid images…
jimgoodinmusic's avatar
jimgoodinmusic said

Soaring loveliness with Karen Carpentet likeness on top!

vaisvil's avatar
This is a captured and then edited live performance using the Sonar Matrix view using various samples - some of which were paul stretched. I'm liking this - if only they had the possibility to change the pitch live it would be like sticking…
djilt's avatar
djilt said

interesting angular reverseness, almost visual and like poetry. love how it leads into a cluster complementing the flat-planed stretches, if that makes sense to you :) in and then out of confusion...lovely outro

vaisvil's avatar
Brazille in 10 edo Absynth in 12 edo ACE in 17 edo
Newbold's avatar
Newbold said

so very intense 000 OOO...

vaisvil's avatar
when things collide....
Newbold's avatar
Newbold said

nice mixing.

vaisvil's avatar
Piano - Soprano in Pythagorean Tuning - poem by TS Eliot (in public domain) I The winter evening settles down With smell of steaks in passageways. Six o’clock. The burnt-out ends of smoky days. And now a gusty shower wraps The grimy…
Letter Seventeen's avatar
Letter Seventeen said

This is quite lovely.
