Comments on vaisvil's stuff

vaisvil's avatar
East-West Choir went on sale and I received and installed my copy yesterday. So this is a quick improvisation for ImprovFriday. Boys choir, double bass, tuba, celesta, bass drum, timpani and electronics.
Jean-Luc Thomas's avatar
Jean-Luc Thomas said

East west, cool stuff. hope i can pick one up some day.

vaisvil's avatar
East-West Choir went on sale and I received and installed my copy yesterday. So this is a quick improvisation for ImprovFriday. Boys choir, double bass, tuba, celesta, bass drum, timpani and electronics.
thetworegs's avatar
thetworegs said


vaisvil's avatar
Year: 1983 Album: Home Movies Artist's description: Music Concrete This was recorded/performed in 1983 I used reel-to-reel and cassette and LP records and a HP-85 with 16k of ram, custom HP 8bit CPU @ 0.613MHz, running a BASIC program I made…
epimeison's avatar
epimeison said

Amazing... weird and amazing!

vaisvil's avatar
Year: 1983 Album: Home Movies Artist's description: Music Concrete This was recorded/performed in 1983 I used reel-to-reel and cassette and LP records and a HP-85 with 16k of ram, custom HP 8bit CPU @ 0.613MHz, running a BASIC program I made…
thetworegs's avatar
thetworegs said

A sweet job no ......NO.....NO...NOT THAT BUTTON!!!!!!!!!!!......................

vaisvil's avatar
improvisation with pianoteq and hollywood strings I am feeling like all of my improvisations sound the same again. I probably need to devote even more time to scoring - and building instruments.
Guest said

Super Delight man!

vaisvil's avatar
improvisation with pianoteq and hollywood strings I am feeling like all of my improvisations sound the same again. I probably need to devote even more time to scoring - and building instruments.
Guest said

This is stunning...agree with the guys - beautiful.

vaisvil's avatar
Year: 1999 Album: Land of the Lost Artist's description: I don't remember where I got the drum set from but there is a custom percussion loop thanks to HammerHead. The voice is mine suitably modified. That is not a sequencer…
Defender Of The People's avatar
Defender Of The People said

like the way this sweeps .. perfect darkness. electronic evils

vaisvil's avatar
Norm's original 12/8 percussion track that forms the basis for the entire piece. I'm involved in a microtonal music class. We are studying 11 edo instead of the normal 12 edo (equal division…
Norm's avatar
Norm said

It's great to hear some home made instrument action. I have several percussion instruments that I have made...

vaisvil's avatar
Year: 1999 Album: Land of the Lost Artist's description: I don't remember where I got the drum set from but there is a custom percussion loop thanks to HammerHead. The voice is mine suitably modified. That is not a sequencer…
Guest said


vaisvil's avatar
This is a piece scored for flute, bassoon, cello, and double bass => if you want to gory details follow this link
Guest said

Kinda disturbing!! Sounds like slowly uncoiling madness, as the onlookers back away.

vaisvil's avatar
Norm's original 12/8 percussion track that forms the basis for the entire piece. I'm involved in a microtonal music class. We are studying 11 edo instead of the normal 12 edo (equal division…
Guest said

Some very mischievous riffs in here!

vaisvil's avatar
Year: 1999 Album: Land of the Lost Artist's description: I don't remember where I got the drum set from but there is a custom percussion loop thanks to HammerHead. The voice is mine suitably modified. That is not a sequencer…
epimeison's avatar
epimeison said

Great stuff!

vaisvil's avatar
Norm's percussion strummed electric mandolin ebow electric mandolin piano voice snippet
Norm's avatar
Norm said

I still love it...

vaisvil's avatar
improvisation with pianoteq and hollywood strings I am feeling like all of my improvisations sound the same again. I probably need to devote even more time to scoring - and building instruments.
Guest said

I always think long held notes are very effective in an atmospheric sort of way. This is a very lovely piece.

vaisvil's avatar
Year: 1999 Album: Land of the Lost Artist's description: I don't remember where I got the drum set from but there is a custom percussion loop thanks to HammerHead. The voice is mine suitably modified. That is not a sequencer…
Norm's avatar
Norm said

Excellent production. Lots going on here... going in for another listen.

vaisvil's avatar
Year: 1999 Album: Land of the Lost Artist's description: I don't remember where I got the drum set from but there is a custom percussion loop thanks to HammerHead. The voice is mine suitably modified. That is not a sequencer…
thetworegs's avatar
thetworegs said

Out of chaos comes order .......great sounds.

vaisvil's avatar
Year: 1999 Album: Land of the Lost Artist's description: I don't remember where I got the drum set from but there is a custom percussion loop thanks to HammerHead. The voice is mine suitably modified. That is not a sequencer…
Gumbo's avatar
Gumbo said

Groovy. Starts off like an old delta blues!

vaisvil's avatar
improvisation with pianoteq and hollywood strings I am feeling like all of my improvisations sound the same again. I probably need to devote even more time to scoring - and building instruments.
thetworegs's avatar
thetworegs said

I agree with Norm BEautiful....

vaisvil's avatar
improvisation with pianoteq and hollywood strings I am feeling like all of my improvisations sound the same again. I probably need to devote even more time to scoring - and building instruments.
Norm's avatar
Norm said

This is beautiful, Chris.

vaisvil's avatar
Vocals, Ibenez 5 string bass, Fender Mustang, GR-20 saxophone, SI rhodes, SI drums + drum 1 shots. It is like you said But different Do we ever know? If what we touch Is always real What do we feel? I slide in time And feel the gaps Between…
Guest said

Ah, all the right questions! Hypnotic music and plaintive vocals.
