Comments on vaisvil's stuff

vaisvil's avatar
Guest said

Stop it. you're killing me.!

vaisvil's avatar
It is recommended to watch the video full screen. All audio is derived from the museum.
Andrew Russe's avatar
Andrew Russe said


vaisvil's avatar
Solo mandolin
Andrew Russe's avatar
Andrew Russe said

Now that's a cool sound, like it.

vaisvil's avatar
Solo mandolin
Sister Savage's avatar
Sister Savage said

Oooh fabulous!

vaisvil's avatar
Solo mandolin
Guest said

..very nice, but could it be that you uploaded the wrong track? This sounds very much like the well known Japanese Ceremonial Welcome melody written by the two former pilots: Sum Ting Long/Wee toh Ro..

vaisvil's avatar
It is recommended to watch the video full screen. All audio is derived from the museum.
Sister Savage's avatar
Sister Savage said

Woah...eerie cleverness.

vaisvil's avatar
picture from Vaisvil family album – 4th of July circa 1915 – 1920 percussive electric guitar playing with gongs, Tibetan bells and cymbals.
richardlaceves's avatar
richardlaceves said

nicely done Chris

vaisvil's avatar
Guest said


vaisvil's avatar
Sister Savage's avatar
Sister Savage said

Oooh spacey!!!!!!!!!

vaisvil's avatar
Johnny Stone's avatar
Johnny Stone said

Now thats cool

vaisvil's avatar
it was difficult to get on stage after these guys finished with their set.
Johnny Stone's avatar
Johnny Stone said

Wow great sound nice one

vaisvil's avatar
Mike Barry sings lead vocal, I'm classical guitar and backing vocals
Johnny Stone's avatar
Johnny Stone said

Like it

vaisvil's avatar
Mike Barry sings lead vocal, I'm classical guitar and backing vocals
Greg Connor's avatar
Greg Connor said

I like the earthy quality of this.... Second time through, I'm noticing the great lyrics and the two part harmony even more. I like the acoustic version a lot, but this begs for an electric guitar set on fire. Maybe you need two versions of this song.

vaisvil's avatar
Seeing that this is my birthday I would like to continue the time honored birthday tradition of Hobbits and give all of you a present. Here it is and I hope you like it!
Sister Savage's avatar
Sister Savage said

SPOOKY done brilliantly.

vaisvil's avatar
Some people just burst into flame.
Sister Savage's avatar
Sister Savage said

You've got a really great voice, Chris. Lovely tone. (Love the title too!)

vaisvil's avatar
Seeing that this is my birthday I would like to continue the time honored birthday tradition of Hobbits and give all of you a present. Here it is and I hope you like it!
Ed Layne's avatar
Ed Layne said

Happy Birthday and thanks so much for sharing this amazing musical creation! This is outstanding!

vaisvil's avatar
5 soft synths, or was it 6, at the same time.
Ed Layne's avatar
Ed Layne said

This would be a great soundtrack for a sci-fi film. Very cool, my friend!

vaisvil's avatar
Ed Layne's avatar
Ed Layne said

Really hypnotic, I like the change up at the 2:02 mark!

vaisvil's avatar
Johnny Stone's avatar
Johnny Stone said

Nice one

vaisvil's avatar
5 soft synths, or was it 6, at the same time.
Sister Savage's avatar
Sister Savage said

A bucket full of eerie synths!
