Comments on Wildgeas Music's stuff

Wildgeas Music's avatar
Drive Cleaning....... One more pile of junk I found on the Back Burner.
Guest said

What junk? I love this, it's one I had my beady eye on. Take it down this minute!! Ha ha.

Wildgeas Music's avatar
Drive Cleaning......... I found this gem floating around. One of my first home recordings trying to play all the instruments in a 5 piece band.
Guest said

Oh yeah, move me baybeh!

Wildgeas Music's avatar
Drive Cleaning......... I found this gem floating around. One of my first home recordings trying to play all the instruments in a 5 piece band.
Guest said

The Sisters of Mercy would bite your hand off for this track! BRILLIANT! Downloaded and podded!

Wildgeas Music's avatar
Drive cleaning.... This is a lost instrumental. I have no interest.
Guest said

More goth sounds - liking this side to you! Great movement here...slinky movement!

Wildgeas Music's avatar
Drive Cleaning......... I found this gem floating around. One of my first home recordings trying to play all the instruments in a 5 piece band.
Guest said

Paul, your goth voice rocks!

Wildgeas Music's avatar
Drive Cleaning....... One more pile of junk I found on the Back Burner.
Guest said

You should work in advertising, truly. :-) I like this. S'got some lovely percussive twists and the feel is generally soothing. Verrry nice.

Wildgeas Music's avatar
A flower for the day
da gubbamint's avatar
da gubbamint said

sup G?

Wildgeas Music's avatar
So, I was just funnin' around. Mostly from the ambient menus, plus, I added some Zippo slide guitar with lots of FX. Then I added the internet porn queen wav file. Lyrics: Aaah Oooooo!!!
Vestigial Remorse's avatar
Vestigial Remorse said

beautifully twisted.... i don't want to know if you motivated the female vocals on this. ... did you? nevermind, that's an uncomfortable question. I like it :) and not just in that I'm heading to the bathroom right now to deposit dna type of way. although I am.

Wildgeas Music's avatar
A flower for the day
Guest said


Wildgeas Music's avatar
A flower for the day
Guest said

oh wow this is truly a beautiful frame dude!!!

Wildgeas Music's avatar
A flower for the day
sixmilewide's avatar
sixmilewide said

This would make a nice tribute to the people who were sadly lost on that day. Real peaceful tune Geas.

Wildgeas Music's avatar
Drive cleaning time!! Found this arrangement left over from RPM. The drum track was already mixed from my old kit. I cut it and mashed it up trying to fix it when I mix it. Then I added some vintage synth sounds, some guitars, and some reptilian…
sixmilewide's avatar
sixmilewide said

Cool sounds Geas! and a neat track.

Wildgeas Music's avatar
So, I was just funnin' around. Mostly from the ambient menus, plus, I added some Zippo slide guitar with lots of FX. Then I added the internet porn queen wav file. Lyrics: Aaah Oooooo!!!
Movement To Contact's avatar
Movement To Contact said

Glad you liked the collab with Alister.

Wildgeas Music's avatar
So, I was just funnin' around. Mostly from the ambient menus, plus, I added some Zippo slide guitar with lots of FX. Then I added the internet porn queen wav file. Lyrics: Aaah Oooooo!!!
c}{imps 8 my ears's avatar
c}{imps 8 my ears said Bwaaaah hahahahahaha

Wildgeas Music's avatar
So, I was just funnin' around. Mostly from the ambient menus, plus, I added some Zippo slide guitar with lots of FX. Then I added the internet porn queen wav file. Lyrics: Aaah Oooooo!!!
c}{imps 8 my ears's avatar
c}{imps 8 my ears said

if i remix that technically a threesome?

Wildgeas Music's avatar
This is a first run at MIDI drumming. I have my kit setup to a new Alesis Trigger I/O box. It turns my drum kit in to a USB MIDI drum kit. Pretty cool toy. Most of the kits I have in the software are dry to record. Obviously, the sound will…
Guest said

looks like ill be downloading all your stuff to my ipod music man!

Wildgeas Music's avatar
Loops, Dupes, Whoops, Ooops, and a bit of reverb. Dedicated to South Dakota.
Guest said

nice!! the guitar toward the end is effin cool!

Wildgeas Music's avatar
There's a few things going on here in this little all MIDI experiment. First, I wanted to show an example of artistic clipping to go with my current posts in the forums on the subject. The kettle drums in this piece clip in to the red on their…
Guest said

wow im blown away by this piece, so many textures and lovely touches..digging it bro. got to listen to more....

Wildgeas Music's avatar
A flower for the day
launched's avatar
launched said

Mmmm! Delicious strings - Love it!

Wildgeas Music's avatar
Drive cleaning time!! Found this arrangement left over from RPM. The drum track was already mixed from my old kit. I cut it and mashed it up trying to fix it when I mix it. Then I added some vintage synth sounds, some guitars, and some reptilian…
Guest said

Great song dude! the guy before me was completely right u do sound like Mark Knopfler! good stuff.
