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What Would Catman Do?


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Or, Starman Gets Laid. Eighth piece for RPM.

Guest said

man if Nobuo Eumatsu died in an alternate reality you would be his reincarnated existence in that reality. Kick ass work!

Guest said

And here I was thinking that NOBODY could live up to that title! BRILLIANT superhero vibe!!

Wildgeas Music's avatar
Wildgeas Music said

Top notch recording. Cool bass line too. I down with Starman. We need some new genes in the pool :)

kirklynch's avatar
kirklynch said

Very cool track! Agree with J.S. Love that tempo shift in the last minute

Guest said

Nice track man! Its got a brilliant personality about it. Its kinda mysterious and a little funky, but a lot of cool!

A Bit More Better Productions's avatar
A Bit More Better Productions said

this came on straight after savages eclipsed. really worked alongside it. i think there might be cause for a chillout playlist.. if there isnt one. really dreamy this.. like it alot. im still not sure what she'd do though.. cat woman, even after listening all the way through. ill let you know if i work it out..

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