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Devil's Descent [RPM]

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This is one of the tracks that ties into the theme from my RPM 2009 album [Like A Dark Mirror Keeping Its Secrets].

A fall from grace. Every up has its down. Every down has its up. There’s definitely a “ying and yang” thing at work here.

Fyrce Muons's avatar
Fyrce Muons said

Love the atmosphere of this one. Vocals are great.

The Old Grey Wolf Ltd Co's avatar
The Old Grey Wolf Ltd Co said

Some freaky moments

Arrow Down Hill's avatar
Arrow Down Hill said

I love the atmosphere you create with your work. This one particularly. Great work!

Guest said

heavy breathing- captivating.

Guest said

This track is haunted, and I thought that before the chiller vocal began. Very atmospheric and clever!

Guest said


Guest said

Your material is very interesting.
