Acoustic ghost story. Recorded 2010.
Easter 2010 I decided…
Acoustic tale of revenge. Recorded 2010 on a Boss BR1600CD.
**The Knife - A A J Russe**
A dark and star-less night
Probably driving rain
That's what they think became of me
A foolish walk along the cliff when he was drunk…
Acoustic tale of revenge. Recorded 2010 on a Boss BR1600CD.
**The Knife - A A J Russe**
A dark and star-less night
Probably driving rain
That's what they think became of me
A foolish walk along the cliff when he was drunk…
Woof - dat boy is rockin.
At first I thought it was you on the guitar (I was working in another window, recognised the vocal and thought - "hello, there's a man who's been down to the crossroads over the last week or so!!" lol)
The momentary disappointment was more than made up for by the track itself :-)
(I was sat here thrashing the ineffective Fave button...)
New song By Andy & Ron
Andy: Lyrics
Ron: music and lyrics, all guitars, bass and vocals.
About an aging rocker who thinks he can still impress the ladies!!!
Verse 1
I knew I was a rocker in my groovy leather pants
I looked at all…
Love it.
I used to have some groovy leather pants - they used to stand up on their own the day after a gig!
Mrs R disposed of them when we got married (mainly cos I couldn't get into them... "why hold on to them?"... "well you never know, I might slim down again"... "not that much you won't" lol)
My attempt at writing a bluegrass tune and an opportunity to try my hand at some flat pickin'
... loosely based on a friends experiences growing up in a small town in the prairies ... where everything is flat ... you know, a place where you can…
I felt compelled to have at least one song that did not use any computerized instruments. This is two tracks of voice and three tracks of guitars. Just me.
James Michael Taylor
Great guitar and bass tracks by
Butch Morgan
Sometimes I drink a little. Sometimes I smoke a little
Sometimes I flirt a little. Sometimes I don't
Sometimes I sing…
#RPM Challenge 2013#
"Under Watchful Eyes" is my 10th song for the RPM Challenge 2013. Thank you for taking the time to listen.
The adjoining video was filmed February 6, 2013 along the Mississippi River near Red Wing Minnesota (approximately…
i just played some simple triads that matched the basic chord progression to Pachelbel's Canon in D(didn't try to play the original melody or anything), then improvised a few solos, hope you like it.
i just played some simple triads that matched the basic chord progression to Pachelbel's Canon in D(didn't try to play the original melody or anything), then improvised a few solos, hope you like it.
yes...actually vocals on this one. My buddy Dave laid down some vocals to the lyrics I wrote back in 1994...original arrangement from '91 to be uploaded later...this recording was pulled from a cassette tape and not mixed...sorry for quality…
Dancing in the rain alone
I strain to hear a healing song
With teardrops falling to my feet
I will listen for Love's heartbeat
I'll fly away on angel wings
When I hear the angels sing
Stranded on an island of fear
The ocean's rage is all you…
A noodle that turned into a doodle which turned into a song....thats what you get when you watch David Attenborough's Africa on TV................
No Rain (Lyrics)
The earth was scorched as dry as stone
nothing anywhere wanted to grow
the Devil…
#RPM Challenge 2013#
I’m a lucky boy
I’m filled with joy
I got angels guiding me
Happens every time
I don’t walk that line
Seems to work out splendidly
Stop and look around
I’m the luckiest boy in town
Ain’t no better can be found…
a wee short one
A long time has passed since we last met
I hope that life’s been treating you well
And what are you up to these days
Are you with somebody else
And do you see any of the old crowd
I wonder where they all are now
The years…
Title Track - RPM 2013
we all clap our hands to the beat as the beat goes by
jazz & poetry in the fifties almost died
Rock n roll became the goal as people slicked back there hair
Rock, Rock and roll , the parent were in despair
Elvis was…
Entry #2 RPM 2013
Mama Please
She falls flat on her face
she’s totally spaced
she has no disgrace
her life is a waste
she has no respect
she’s so full of hate
she drinks from morning till it’s very late
she’s living in hell
she’s trapped…
Comments on Andrew Russe's stuff
What a sad tale. I love your voice and your diction is perfect.
Andrew, welcome to Alonetone. Oh love your sound. Man, you're really good. A little gruesome lyrically,but brilliantly well performed.
Great tune.
Comments made by Andrew Russe
Sounds like you've possibly got some Groovy Leather Pants like ole Ron has... Rocking.
Woof - dat boy is rockin. At first I thought it was you on the guitar (I was working in another window, recognised the vocal and thought - "hello, there's a man who's been down to the crossroads over the last week or so!!" lol) The momentary disappointment was more than made up for by the track itself :-) (I was sat here thrashing the ineffective Fave button...)
Love it. I used to have some groovy leather pants - they used to stand up on their own the day after a gig! Mrs R disposed of them when we got married (mainly cos I couldn't get into them... "why hold on to them?"... "well you never know, I might slim down again"... "not that much you won't" lol)
Ooh yeah, top notch indeed.
This one particularly stood out for me - didn't notice it was over 10 minutes!!
Nice RPM, really enjoyed it - well done!
Love it.
Back for another listen. It's a grower :-)
Oh nice. And very smooth picking.
Never realised it was a pop-rock chord progression! Pachelbel rocks! Nice one - some really tasty guitar work.
Woo! Like it.
This is wonderful.
I can't see how you're keeping the standard up while creating so many - who cares? Just keep them coming!!
Nice one. Not quite what I was expecting at all - feels (to me) like a departure from both of you.
Oh yeah - you can sure write these.
Had trouble getting this to play earlier - real glad I gave it another go. Wonderful.
Nice one.
Superb stuff.
I seem to have embarked on listen No 2 of the whole thing... lol You're right to be proud of it - it's pretty damn good.