Comments on another cultural landslide's stuff

another cultural landslide's avatar
The Checkers Speech's avatar
The Checkers Speech said

This is my other favorite by another cultural landslide. It's just plain magical. I downloaded it and sometimes I just play it on a loop until Real Life tears me away.

another cultural landslide's avatar
The Checkers Speech's avatar
The Checkers Speech said

I've been listening to this song by another cultural landslide for a month or so now, and I never to laugh out loud at the serious rambunctiousness of this song. (And the incongruous 50s sitcom imagery of the title certainly doesn't hurt!) This is just another reason why the acl is my favorite artist on AloneTone ...

another cultural landslide's avatar
We're creating a bunch of songs for a very small prayer shawl group - and this is one of them...
Floppy Jalopy's avatar
Floppy Jalopy said

elegant and simply beautiful

another cultural landslide's avatar
brando's avatar
brando said

this makes me wistful

another cultural landslide's avatar
Sudara's avatar
Sudara said

Wow, how did i miss this one, it's fucking great guys.

another cultural landslide's avatar
ENVOL's avatar
ENVOL said

Hey...I don't think I told you how much I enjoyed your music. Love the cat theme, wherever that came from. Just had a dream about a white and black tabby last night...weird. Great music!

another cultural landslide's avatar
Sudara's avatar
Sudara said

Together, this album is an amazing piece of work, and especially so for a 30 day adventure. Congrats again, and looking forward to listen to your new stuff.

another cultural landslide's avatar
Sudara's avatar
Sudara said

GREAT intro track to the album, guys.

another cultural landslide's avatar
Hug A Turtle Today's avatar
Hug A Turtle Today said

love it.

another cultural landslide's avatar
MusicManiac 's avatar
MusicManiac said

hey how do I contact you? any email..

another cultural landslide's avatar
MusicManiac 's avatar
MusicManiac said

Awesome! I really like your music..

another cultural landslide's avatar
MusicManiac 's avatar
MusicManiac said


another cultural landslide's avatar
glu's avatar
glu said

great music. very visual. really enjoying wave of destruction too.

another cultural landslide's avatar
Skidoo!'s avatar
Skidoo! said

Dig :)

another cultural landslide's avatar
The 16 Points's avatar
The 16 Points said

I keep coming back to listen to this one! I love it, even if it's not from February 2008!

another cultural landslide's avatar
Guest said

Beautiful song! wonderfully played, cheers Slap...

another cultural landslide's avatar
Guest said

Fantastic track! Makes me wanna buy a camel, cheers Slap...

another cultural landslide's avatar
Guest said

Captivating stuff! Congratulations on a truly interesting album- Eviction PArty

another cultural landslide's avatar
Guest said

Beautiful. Just a very wonderful chorus. Kudos.

another cultural landslide's avatar
Guest said

Beautiful. Just a very wonderful chorus. Kudos.
