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Make It Home, Please

A Relative Term

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From your parents you will learn everything and nothing without even realizing

Don’t look in the mirror, your skin will never seem as soft
Don’t wait in the middle when your mind is already made up

Just make it home, please

Don’t look back if distance will keep you from moving on
Don’t weigh down your body when your thoughts belong to the stars
Don’t weigh down your body when your heart belongs to the stars

Just make it home, please
Just make it someplace

Guest said

Oh my. Beautiful in every heartbreaking way.

kirklynch's avatar
kirklynch said

Really beautiful track!

Guest said

THis is beautiful music tuly great art and very emotional... Thanks for it!

childhoodsend's avatar
childhoodsend said

This is very good rhythm and style.

DrumJunky's avatar
DrumJunky said

Intro really got me. I can't explain why. Rough voice works pretty well. Nice song

 ShamPain's avatar
ShamPain said

lovin the vocal

Black Pepper Sea's avatar
Black Pepper Sea said

Beautiful - and I'm a sucker for glockenspiel!

Guest said

Like this track, like this album... :)

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