Comments on beatnikturtle's stuff

beatnikturtle's avatar
This is from our album, "When I Was Your Age," recorded entirely in the month of February for our third year participating in the RPM Challenge. "When I Was Your Age" is a collection of 13 songs looking back at when we were kids.
rob mills's avatar
rob mills said

Just remembered how much I loved this tune last year, so downloaded this album too.

beatnikturtle's avatar
This song's about that guy in the band who really can't play and just doesn't get any better, but pays for studio time, buys the gear, springs for beer, and owns the van. You always have to think twice about kicking the guy out with all the money!
rob mills's avatar
rob mills said

Brilliant, brilliant, brilliant! I'm downloading your fantastic RPM album and it will be played A LOT!

beatnikturtle's avatar
This song's about getting reacquainted with your ol' guitar after neglecting it for a few years. Back in 2006 our band started working on writing and recording music for our project, where we released one song for each…
rob mills's avatar
rob mills said

Oh, how I relate to this song! Another winner

beatnikturtle's avatar
Inspired by the book Musicophilia by Oliver Sacks. An earworm (or brainworm as Sacks espouses) is that catchy melody that sticks in your brain that you just can't shake.
rob mills's avatar
rob mills said

Man, you write catchy tunes! Love it

beatnikturtle's avatar
"There's a dude from Indiana rockin' real hard to Carlos Santana!" If you've ever been to Indiana, you'll know where this came from.
rob mills's avatar
rob mills said

Great little hook to this. Reminds me a little of Aussie band Spiderbait, which is a very, very good thing in my world. Love this so much it's gonna be faved!

beatnikturtle's avatar
The musician's anthem! This song hits on a Beatnik Turtle theme about not wanting to work (see our first RPM album: All In A Day's Work). Instead, all you want to do is bang on the drums all day. And yet, work, life, and the inevitable day job…
rob mills's avatar
rob mills said

What a fantastic, summery, upbeat pop tune. Couldn't agree more about not wanting to work!

beatnikturtle's avatar
Beware all ye who enter here. This song's a stern warning that being the front man of a band is not what it's cracked up to be. Consider yourself warned.
Endicott Road's avatar
Endicott Road said

I have enjoyed all of the songs I've heard from your band since I bought the Cheapass Album. Keep rockin', boys, and you'll never go wrong. ER

beatnikturtle's avatar
If you're a musician, we guarantee you've heard these five little words before. Nastier words could never be said.
Endicott Road's avatar
Endicott Road said

I've heard this so often that it's part of my subconscious. But I never expected my wife to say that. LOL ER

beatnikturtle's avatar
An obvious reference to the classic movie, "Blues Brothers" (which takes place in Chicago -- where we're from), this song tells the cliched story of the band that reunites after years away from each other thanks to "creative differences", "growing…
Endicott Road's avatar
Endicott Road said

Love the melody on this. Another song from you guys that I love. ER

beatnikturtle's avatar
This is us tempting fate. Jumping the shark refers to a defining moment on the TV show "Happy Days" when Fonzie literally jumps over a shark on waterskis -- all while wearing his leather jacket. Everyone watching immediately knew the show would…
Endicott Road's avatar
Endicott Road said

How many favorite bands have we thought this about? I hope that never happens to me. Lyrically, you hit this nail on the head. ER

beatnikturtle's avatar
Girls! Women! Birds! Chicks! This song's about all the pretty girls out there (and you know who you are)! This song celebrates each and everyone of them.
Endicott Road's avatar
Endicott Road said

I only had one groupie and I married her. What does that say about my storied music career? ER

beatnikturtle's avatar
While the name of the song is a Spinal Tap reference, this one is almost a period piece, taking us back to the early 80s when record players and mixtapes were how we listened to and shared our music.
Endicott Road's avatar
Endicott Road said

Sounds like how I used to spend my afternoons at home when I was a teenager. Who's the fan of Spinal Tap? ER

beatnikturtle's avatar
This is us tempting fate. Jumping the shark refers to a defining moment on the TV show "Happy Days" when Fonzie literally jumps over a shark on waterskis -- all while wearing his leather jacket. Everyone watching immediately knew the show would…
another cultural landslide's avatar
another cultural landslide said

Holy crap... this the tightest brass section I've heard in AGES. Yowza! Damn.

beatnikturtle's avatar
"There's a dude from Indiana rockin' real hard to Carlos Santana!" If you've ever been to Indiana, you'll know where this came from.
Endicott Road's avatar
Endicott Road said

Great rock and roll song here. Love the chorous, too. ER

beatnikturtle's avatar
This song's about getting reacquainted with your ol' guitar after neglecting it for a few years. Back in 2006 our band started working on writing and recording music for our project, where we released one song for each…
Endicott Road's avatar
Endicott Road said

This is how I greet my guitar when I take it out of it's case. Love your guitar work on this. ER

beatnikturtle's avatar
This song's about that guy in the band who really can't play and just doesn't get any better, but pays for studio time, buys the gear, springs for beer, and owns the van. You always have to think twice about kicking the guy out with all the money!
another cultural landslide's avatar
another cultural landslide said

I'm dying here. Wen's now in pain. Brilliant. Just brilliant. We're grinning ear to ear.

beatnikturtle's avatar
"There's a dude from Indiana rockin' real hard to Carlos Santana!" If you've ever been to Indiana, you'll know where this came from.
another cultural landslide's avatar
another cultural landslide said

Good GOD - You have captured Indiana Rockers dead on! OMG. I feel like I went back home and couldn't escape the damned car radios at Frisch's Drive Thru. Yikes. I couldn't stop laughing. I mean howling. I mean, oh hell. I'm hurt. Hurt. Wen's in heaven. Hilarious. And tight. Outstanding (as usual).

beatnikturtle's avatar
Girls! Women! Birds! Chicks! This song's about all the pretty girls out there (and you know who you are)! This song celebrates each and everyone of them.
richardlaceves's avatar
richardlaceves said

another fun song-- nice instrumental tracks,, my only comment is that the vocal and instrumental seem to be just about the same volume level,, meaning each seems to be competing with each other without either one taking the lead,,

beatnikturtle's avatar
Inspired by the book Musicophilia by Oliver Sacks. An earworm (or brainworm as Sacks espouses) is that catchy melody that sticks in your brain that you just can't shake.
richardlaceves's avatar
richardlaceves said

"upbeat pop-rock" to be sure,, earworm is a fun little tune that just boars into you.... though the volume seem a little low to me -- compared to other music on the site

beatnikturtle's avatar
Beatnik Turtle's take on another ol' Irish classic.
am/fm dreams's avatar
am/fm dreams said

I change my guys sound like "They Might Be Giants" meets "Dropkick Murphy's"..even more awesome..
