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Cave Street's Favorite tracks on alonetone

by Cave Street


When You Least Expect It (Feat. additional vocals by Colin Garvey & Helen Sventitsky)

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[Thanks to Helen and Colin for coming to my aid with the warblings! :) ]

When You Least Expect It
And you’re out to dry
And its all too hectic
Thats when it comes x 2

And it feels electric
And you feel alive
Cos when you least expect it
That’s when it comes x 2

Late at night
On another double shift
The machine is down
Its sinking ship
And the powers out
To get you and there’s only you.

You hear a voice
One you havent heard in years
And the curtains blow
As the cold air dries your tears
The lights come on
You look up cos you know he’s there.


Start anew
But you’re new to all around
They point at you
Band your name about
And look at you
As though you’re from another world.

You sit alone
With a pack of cigarettes
And a strangers voice
Says they dont believe you’ve met
They’ll never know
They stopped you from stopping it all.


Driving home
In the pouring rain
With the wipers on
Stained with pain
And the smog is thick
The views about as clear as your mind

You hit a ditch
Revving in the mud
And you feel your lip
You taste the blood
And you step outside
And run about
A mile.

Guest said

I want yer voice Alex Moody. One day we'll have to work out a tune together.

Cave Street's avatar
Cave Street said

one of my favorites!

Guest said

Very classy. Love it.

Guest said


yote's avatar
yote said

like the double track vocals.

Wildgeas Music's avatar
Wildgeas Music said

Sweet! Reminds me of Ultravox.

Gareth Grant's avatar
Gareth Grant said

excellent . Great stuff.

A Bit More Better Productions's avatar
A Bit More Better Productions said

Hi there Leif. great news! The lyrics are in the about column.. look forward to hearing the outcome!

Guest said

Okay -- I'm an RPMer and this song is the one you said wanted electric guitar -- I'm going to do it -- watch me go -- this song is really powerful. Hope I get the words right . . - Leif Mulch

Galileo's Cough Drop's avatar
Galileo's Cough Drop said

Great emotion in this... well done!

Alchemist Corpse Rite's avatar
Alchemist Corpse Rite said

Yeah, I like the sad stuff. The cascading piano arpeggios are very pretty.

The Missed Connections's avatar
The Missed Connections said

i am depressed now, alex moody.

Zan-zan-zawa-veia's avatar
Zan-zan-zawa-veia said

Thanks for the encouraging words, Alex! There are plenty of options out there for making 8-bit sound; the one I used is a free application called FamiTracker, from More popular is the cartridge LSDJ for the original Gameboy, but that costs money and I love my freeware! Excepting the one copy of Fell Plot I sent to RPM, I don't have any of my music in print so I can't really make any trades, but I'll stick around and listen to some of your songs. :)

Guest said

Hey Alex, I can't hear Helen..?

Guest said

Yeah, I'm completely having a copy of your RPM CD, right?
