Willem, by Inge
For our beautiful son Willem, in French Guillaume.
recorded in my livingroom, 16-7-2009.
I called the song Guillaume before because of the beautiful sound.
Since 2012 I changed the title of the song into : Willem.
Because that makes much more sence!
Check out the new video:
val dood
Hey Inge
Keith here... Just remembering how inspiring this song was back in the day. It's been a long time. I hope all is well with you and yours!
Among my favorite first lines I've ever heard.
I could listen to this the whole day long
you should go to america's got talent
You put the inge in singer-songwriter. Amazingly wonderful track from the first breath. <3
This is amazing!!Great song,great singing!Nice chords!
Oh yes... Not heard this before. But like the other comments, what a fantastic voice. And a magical song and performance.
It's hard to believe that it's been a year since I came by to listen to this track. How and why have I deprived myself for so long?
Hi, Inge. You are new to me.Ive been here a lil while and you have been away by the comments. I saw K. landry and tuned in. Great lower register female vocal sound
Every time I here this I wonder why you are not famous touring the world. Hope all is well Inge. :) -Jim
Sent the track to you, let me know if you get it, if not i can upload to my alonetone page
jiving tune ! the melody lines amazing !
Inge,heel goed gedaan! Ik ben trots op jou! I am going to recommed lots of people to listen to this song! keep on working in this direction-lots of love from Sigrid
Just coming on by again to listen to this incredible song. This truly is a masterpiece, leaving me envious of every aspect of this song from the writing to the playing to (and especially to) that beautiful soulful voice. Just stunned by the sweetness in the expression of that little heartbeat. So much to learn about writing from this simple powerful song.
Great song... I find my best songs are the ones I've written about my kids, but I must say that this one of yours tops them all.
feel like im sitting in a dark coffee house with candles on all the tables...this is superb.
what a beaut!
Inge, thanks for this, I was really happy to see that you uploaded some new tracks (well, and old). What a beautiful song. Your voice as always, is just absolutely *flawless*.