Colleen Dillon's listening history

Colleen Dillon's avatar
I wrote this one in response to a song writing challenge from the Minnesota Association of Songwriters. The title had to be Mississippi Moon and it had to have a I V VI I II chord progression somewhere in the song. Over 20 writers have signed…
Colleen Dillon's avatar
I wrote this one in response to a song writing challenge from the Minnesota Association of Songwriters. The title had to be Mississippi Moon and it had to have a I V VI I II chord progression somewhere in the song. Over 20 writers have signed…
Sister Savage's avatar
Music written and performed by Mike Smith, also known as Dragonsong. When Mike first asked me to read this poem, he believed it was written around the time of the Spanish Flu...but, our sources say no. It was most likely written by Kitty O…
Sister Savage's avatar
Music written and performed by Mike Smith, also known as Dragonsong. When Mike first asked me to read this poem, he believed it was written around the time of the Spanish Flu...but, our sources say no. It was most likely written by Kitty O…
Sister Savage's avatar
Music written and performed by Mike Smith, also known as Dragonsong. When Mike first asked me to read this poem, he believed it was written around the time of the Spanish Flu...but, our sources say no. It was most likely written by Kitty O…
Sister Savage's avatar
Music written and performed by Mike Smith, also known as Dragonsong. When Mike first asked me to read this poem, he believed it was written around the time of the Spanish Flu...but, our sources say no. It was most likely written by Kitty O…
Gregg Pepitone's avatar
Colleen Dillon's avatar
I wrote this one in response to a song writing challenge from the Minnesota Association of Songwriters. The title had to be Mississippi Moon and it had to have a I V VI I II chord progression somewhere in the song. Over 20 writers have signed…
Colleen Dillon's avatar
I wrote this one in response to a song writing challenge from the Minnesota Association of Songwriters. The title had to be Mississippi Moon and it had to have a I V VI I II chord progression somewhere in the song. Over 20 writers have signed…
Brett Warren's avatar