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By Lennard Cohen.
Second vocal is Martijn van Dijk.
Recorded at Richard Beukelaar, 2006

Guest said

halleluja wat lelijk

02bfree's avatar
02bfree said

Love your take on this.

Endicott Road's avatar
Endicott Road said

Very nice rendition of the Leonard Cohen song. Like the harmonies, too. ER

Keith Landry's avatar
Keith Landry said

Oh goodness... How have I missed this all this time?!?!?! AMAZING.

Liam Sanders's avatar
Liam Sanders said

Absolutely beautiful. Your voice is so relaxing and dreamlike; one of the best versions of this song I have heard

Cave Street's avatar
Cave Street said

(((love))) Thanks for sharing this!

Movement To Contact's avatar
Movement To Contact said

The track i emailed you is just a rough one, so if parts seem to loud or to soft they can all be fixed later.

olifante's avatar
olifante said

Good cover of a great song.

The Daniel Parkhill Project's avatar
The Daniel Parkhill Project said

Excellent cover. You made it your own version completely, which is difficult to do with a song like "Hallelujah". Well done.

childhoodsend's avatar
childhoodsend said


Anthony Sweet's avatar
Anthony Sweet said

wow! this is truly beautiful... what a gentle voice you have... and the harmonies blow me away. Thanks for sharing.

Johnny Stone's avatar
Johnny Stone said

Love this beautiful.

jennifer's avatar
jennifer said

Wonderful. Keep it coming.

Colin Garvey's avatar
Colin Garvey said

This is so beautiful I've just melted.

Sudara's avatar
Sudara said

This girl can sing. Hearing her live makes you feel like your body has come detached from your heart.

childhoodsend's avatar
childhoodsend said

You have a beautiful voice. Can you put some more tracks up? Would like to hear some more.

Floppy Jalopy's avatar
Floppy Jalopy said

simply beautiful.

doc Markus's avatar
doc Markus said

Love it, great job

Benjamin Wuamett's avatar
Benjamin Wuamett said

inge your voice makes me want to cry. love
