Dirty Spirits's listening history
K.G. wanted to write a "good times" song and i think he hit this one out of the park. here in indy the highway does a big loop around the city. add some fun and music and that equals a rockin' good time.
I was going to put this on here tomorrow morning but knowing i'll be dead to the world i thorght i'd better put it on now before i get started ha ha ha!
From a few years back. Bill Pohl, Darrin Kobetich and I playing in the lounge at the Ridglea theater, in Fort Worth, Tx. Our first performance as "Strung, Drawn and Quartered". Notable because of my first use of live looping.
Its nice to hang up the car keys and put one foot in front of the other because lets face it all routes lead to the pub ha ha!
Just a piece I wrote going for a Celtic sound.
This was the first in this set of 3 songs I am posting. I was gaining alot of inspiration from the likes, of Justin Currie and Jackson Browne at the time.
Recorded using Reaper DAW & Jamstix virtual drummer software.
First verse rap cameo for Tribox Studios debut RPM album, The Quest For The Lost Album Title. Download the full album from here http://www.itstribox.co.uk/
group of ideas im working on. live take straight to the end.