dAb's listening history

Ceili Moss's avatar
A Scottish sea shantey, in an arrangement by Michael Goffioul. From the 2006 album "On the shore"
Cave Street's avatar
it's like an onion bell forever ringing angels demons laughing screaming it's like an onion bell forever dreaming children playing dancing singing
Sandy Gritt's avatar
Written by Daniel Johnston.
Tharek Ali Mokbul's avatar
Sorry About The Quality of the recording on this one... A Friend of Mine (64Guitars From Songcrafters. Org ) challenged me to write a song about a subject (a Secret....Lol).... This was finished 45 mins Later... Will be Good for me on Open…
Sir Alfred IV's avatar
mmi's avatar
Gurgling, bubbling, churning. This is the last track of the March 2010 24 hour challenge. The process... - find some interesting synth sounds (have collected many) - work out some basic chords - do some filtering - add two tracks of e-bow…
Mr Sandbags's avatar
This was a piece I made with Reichatron back in January and, at the time, didn't upload. I had the odd experience of momentary unfamiliarity, enjoyment, and a sense of "Did I make this?" Listening to it again I enjoy the way it drifts in…
mark oesau aka meatsim1's avatar
garage and pool + green
fubarsam's avatar
Another older tune I have written.
Home Grown String Theory's avatar
We play even number of games of backgammon and sometimes it ends in a...