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The Tale Of Two Ladies

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This is a song written by my Cyber friend G.T Alfsen over at This is my version of his great song. I decided to prog it up a bit.

thetworegs's avatar
thetworegs said

Catchy lead great song

Mannequin Races's avatar
Mannequin Races said

The guitar is great when it comes in at 1:21! For some reason this sort of has a Dave Matthews Band groove to it which dig. Nice lyrics and vocal delivery.

iconoclast's avatar
iconoclast said

This is nice dave. Little bit of Robby robertson here. But of course it's all you. Songs from the earth. Gift to us all.

launched's avatar
launched said

I've been listening to this one quite a bit Dave - Great tune!

Guest said

cool drums and I like the organ in background too. Nice work!

Guest said

haha. surfing with the illegal alien.

Cave Street's avatar
Cave Street said

dig the solo too!

Cave Street's avatar
Cave Street said

I like where the drums come in

Guest said

excellent material as usual!!! I really dig your style DB.
