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I Can't Sleep

Endicott Road

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For me, one of the side effects of unemployment is insomnia. I am the kind of person who worries about things, and often that worry extends into the night time hours. I sang this after a particularly difficult night. The vocals aren’t the best, but I thought it accurately conveyed my emotions at the time.

Guest said

It's almost Friday! The vocals sound very good to me. Unfortunately, many people can relate to your situation of insomnia and unemployment. Songs like this offer a bit of consolation to let them know that they're not alone. And that little bit gets them to Friday. Good Luck ER.

Wildgeas Music's avatar
Wildgeas Music said

Good Luck man. I wish you all the best.

Dirty Spirits's avatar
Dirty Spirits said

Listening to a batch of rpm albums. Liking the groove so far. Sax solo on You Can't Tell Them Anything followed by this acoustic number makes for some nice change-ups. Really digging this one.

Guest said

*hands ER some cocoa with extra marshmallow fluff* You poor love. I hope you feel better now!! (I actually like this straight up vocal.)

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